“Democracy can be noisy messy and complicated, but it is forthright and honest, and encourages people to pay attention and consider the views of others.”
–paraphrased from “American Democracy”
Once a quarter, I’ll be sharing with you the progress we’re making on what you asked for—solutions to congestion, tackling our roads, water, sewer and stormwater shortfalls, and updating our zoning–and along the way, deliver good governance and transparency. And the good news is—we are making genuine progress in a very short period of time.
First, thank all of you for the new energy and active participation you are bringing to City Hall and our City. I hear from you at coffee’s and walks around our City, meetings with your organizations, in e-mails, on the street, and in the grocery store. We now have two new neighborhood associations contributing to the dialogue. A group of business people who drive our tourism economy are working on a proposal to “reimagine” our Visitor Information Center after the 450th with an eye toward a better experience for our visitors. All good.
Your entire Commission and the City staff are focused on delivering information to you that you deserve and improving our governance:
Public comments in Commission meetings are responded to by City staff
Commission agendas are published close to week in advance so we can all see what’s coming and be prepared to weigh in
Budget performance is reported monthly so we know better where we stand
450th finances on the City website as suggested by Commissioner Neville
We’ll be reviewing our contracting to ensure we have the best practices in place, and have set the right policies. (That was a little “noisy and messy” but we all got to the right decision.)
And your Commission has made some tough decisions—with most of our votes unanimous. Our lively and thoughtful discussions are a far cry from a “rubber stamp” (and as one resident told me “It’s the best TV in town.”) We all work hard and each bring unique skills and experience to representing you.
Here’s where we are with tackling our “big three”:
Our infrastructure:
We have our first ever assessment –and a grade of C- overall. And we know the price tag to get up to speed- $140,000,000. Our next job is to understand what we can spend, and establish priorities. An improved budget process will be underway soon—and your participation in how your tax dollars are spent is vital, so watch for the meeting schedule.
Planning and Building is on the road to each neighborhood with a zoning workbook, gathering your input, which is so important. Neglect of our zoning has cost us a lot in legal fees. Updating zoning along with our comprehensive plan, is vital to protecting and preserving our livability (and our property values).
We have the narrow streets of a City in Europe—but we have our American cars, and we have our visitors, even if they are just coming from Nocatee. We’ve had many studies, a committee on parking and traffic and have made some progress, but we all know we have a lot of work to do. Every person in this City has an idea or a solution– including every one of your Commissioners—and the truth of the matter is that some of them may be “spot on”. But without a comprehensive plan that includes all the piece parts of getting around town–cars, parking , pedestrians, bikes, pedicabs, carriages and more—we don’t know if these ideas fit well.
As an example of unintended consequences, a neighborhood street was recently paved. Good, right? Except that the potholes had served as a “traffic calming” device, sort of like speed bumps, and now the problem of high speed traffic needs to be addressed.
That said, we do have some quick wins in the works.
We are making progress on a better approach to truck deliveries and have a study underway with the Northern Florida Transportation Planning Organization (which Commissioner Nancy Sikes-Kline chairs), part of which included a survey of our businesses.
Our garage filled up 77 days last year, and we now have an overflow parking plan that uses 500 spaces in non-profit lots, and a 511 number for parking information.
So what’s next?
The Commission agreed at its last meeting to develop a comprehensive plan, and identify quick wins for piloting with citizen input.
A good approach might look like this—and we’ll look to the City staff to move this effort forward as quickly (and wisely) as possible.
Partner with experts to help build a plan
Identify the most promising quick wins to pilot from the many ideas we have
Organize City staff so we have a centralized team focused on all aspects of mobility
They say that your budget reflects your values—and the Commission has agreed that solving congestion and improving our infrastructure will drive our City budget for next year. Big issues, big dollars and hard choices—but together we can make real progress.
Thanks for everything you do!
What a shallow and deceptive first quarterly report this is!
What a great opportunity lost to discuss the REAL "big three" issues. What a disappointment NANCY SHAVER has turned out to be as she proves herself to be just another ringer in a long chain of Green Wall Of $ilence phonies.
NANCY SHAVER knows well what the "big three"issues are (unless of course she is not reading those emails she claims she has)...
1. Hijacking the ‘Rule Of Law’ to treasonously gain control of government for personal selfish gain.
2. Causing foreseeable lost opportunity, harm, and hardship, to countless citizens.
3. And being the proximate cause of those same citizens early deaths.
She makes mockery of the quote from American Democracy;
“Democracy can be noisy messy and complicated, but it is forthright and honest, and encourages people to pay attention and consider the views of others.”
The gloves are off. NANCY SLAVER, by ignoring the views of others and acting like a smarmy, unctuous, ingratiating, slick, oily, greasy, obsequious, sycophantic, fawning MEpublican is deserving of the public's unreserved ire.
When did you vote last? When did you last attend a City Commission meeting? If you were Mayor, how would you clean the Augean Stables?
Decisions are made by those who show up.
Shallow deflections Ed. I would expect that tripe from George Bush or his brother Jeb not someone who purports to be a champion of Civil Rights. Try a reread Ed, the answers to your deflections are all there.
Decisions in the current situation Ed are made by those who have illegally and immorally usurped the rule of law — aided and abetted by those of Crumbunist character who validate and legitimize their gangster masters with their attention.
Those who don't vote, don't speak out, don't attend meetings and counsel other people not to vote are part of the problem. This means you, Warren. So I am "shallow?" Sounds like projection to me. You say the same old things and expect what? You don't offer solutions, you ululate. You and the Record are like twins, like Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Try tolerance. Try something new. Your talents and virtues are wasted on casting aspersions (and asparagus). We've won more than 33 victories here since 2005. Come join us at the next meeting. Speak out.
You put words in my mouth Ed. I said your "deflections" are shallow Ed. They are also arrogantly condescending, dismissive and well flavored with demeaning messenger bashing. All juvenile and transparent ploys to avoid the issues at hand which I repeat herewith;
"What a shallow and deceptive first quarterly report this is!
What a great opportunity lost to discuss the REAL "big three" issues. What a disappointment NANCY SHAVER has turned out to be as she proves herself to be just another ringer in a long chain of Green Wall Of $ilence phonies.
NANCY SHAVER knows well what the "big three"issues are (unless of course she is not reading those emails she claims she has)...
1. Hijacking the ‘Rule Of Law’ to treasonously gain control of government for personal selfish gain.
2. Causing foreseeable lost opportunity, harm, and hardship, to countless citizens.
3. And being the proximate cause of those same citizens early deaths.
She makes mockery of the quote from American Democracy;
“Democracy can be noisy messy and complicated, but it is forthright and honest, and encourages people to pay attention and consider the views of others.”
The gloves are off. NANCY SLAVER, by ignoring the views of others and acting like a smarmy, unctuous, ingratiating, slick, oily, greasy, obsequious, sycophantic, fawning MEpublican is deserving of the public's unreserved ire."
You tout hat in hand obeisance and compliance to a corrupt system Ed as if it was some elevating force to superior citizenship and positive civic responsibility when in reality the opposite is true. You ask those who have been bitten and poisoned by the snake to give the poisonous snake another chance. To see the snake as a cuddly lamb. And so you validate and legitimize the snake. You validate and legitimize closet fascism. You validate and legitimize Xtrevilism. You deny and denigrate others their experience based beliefs.
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