-----Original Message-----
From: Meredith Breidenstein
To: easlavin
Cc: Mark Litzinger
Sent: Mon, Apr 6, 2015 1:38 pm
Subject: RE: Request No. 2015-38 and 2015-51: Noche de Gala
Mr. Slavin,
In response to your request, please see the attached spreadsheet of general ledger detail for fiscal years 2007-2011. Also, please see the email below for information about this spreadsheet.
Thank you,
Meredith Breidenstein, CPA
City of St. Augustine
Finance, Budget & Management
(904) 825-1030
From: Meredith Breidenstein
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 1:33 PM
To: sheldon.gardner@staugustine.com
Subject: GALA Analysis.xlsx
Hi Sheldon,
I have taken the spreadsheet that I sent you originally (data export of GL accounts) and consolidated the last five years of data, 2007-2011, onto one sheet. I then subtotaled each year so that you can get an idea of what the gala made (revenues are negative amounts) or lost (expenses are positive amounts). This is not perfect as there may be revenues and expenses in here that were not truly for the Gala. I removed the things that were obvious (camps, other events) so I think this is a pretty close listing. You already have the revenue detail of FY 2011 that shows the profit of $2907.17.
Thank you,
Meredith Breidenstein, CPA
City of St. Augustine
Finance, Budget & Management
(904) 825-1030
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