Regan to reframe discussion on 450th contracts
Posted: April 12, 2015 - 11:30pm
St. Augustine City Manager John Regan has a goal going into tonight’s meeting: Take control of the discussion on contract reviews.
Mayor Nancy Shaver’s request at a March City Commission meeting for an audit of 450th anniversary contracts was a basic request to make sure the city was in compliance, she said. A contract review can be a positive thing, Regan said. But a basic concept became highly politicized, and some people saw the request in a negative light.
“And they see it as an indictment of the 450th, and that’s not what it is,” he said.
Regan said his goal is to set the framework for moving forward.
The City Commission meeting begins at 5 p.m. at City Hall, and Regan’s comments are scheduled for the end of the meeting. He is planning a discussion and does not have a formal written recommendation, he said.
“My goal will be to try to reframe this discussion for what it should be,” Regan said. “ ... We need to bring it to, ‘What do you do in government to constantly be improving performance?’”
More than 20 people supported an audit of 450th contracts at a March meeting. But an outside audit focused on the 450th contracts is not being considered, Regan said.
Commissioners supported a limited review of three contracts that Shaver had specific concerns about: The city’s contracts with Mummy Cat Productions, Hyperscreens and contracts for Noche de Gala celebration.
The concerns were about the city’s sole-source policies, bidding and contractual oversight.
Regan and Shaver discussed the issues and found ways contracting could be done better. Regan plans to arrange a broader look at the city’s contract policies. But details on how that will happen have not been worked out.
He said he does not plan to ask for an audit of the 450th contracts. However, as part of improving the city’s contracting processes an outside agency could be necessary. If that is the case, the cost would be brought up during budget talks, he said.
“We’re nowhere near that,” Regan said.
The commission held a preliminary budget meeting last Wednesday, and commissioners are scheduled to hold a special meeting May 11 about the 2015-16 budget.
In other business
■ Gary Huggett, of Masters, Smith & Wisby — the city’s auditing firm — is scheduled to present the city’s audit report and 2014 financial statements.
The audit identified some issues: A bond payment posted by the city was done incorrectly, which caused a misstatement of bonds payable at the end of the year. The audit also found that the city made a few purchases before a purchase order was issued, which violated the city’s procurement policy. The city agreed to take steps to help prevent the issues from happening again.
The city recently renewed its contract with Masters, Smith & Wisby to the end of September 2019, said Meredith Breidenstein, deputy director of the city’s finance department.
■ David Birchim, planning and building department director, will present a resolution to adopt a revised local mitigation strategy.
“The city of St. Augustine participates with the St. Johns County (Local Mitigation Strategy) Task Force in the creation and revision of the Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS), according to a memo from Birchim to Regan. “The LMS is the plan to reduce or eliminate risks to people and property from natural and man-made hazards. The LMS document also describes the process for application, selection and distribution of funds under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program."
■ Martha Graham, director of public works, will provide an update on mobility topics and issues related to Abbott Tract, a neighborhood in the city.
■ City Attorney Isabelle Lopez will provide information on an appeal of a Planning and Zoning Board decision to deny a preliminary subdivision plat at 252 St. George St. The application is to subdivide 252 St. George St. into six lots, called the Bronson Cottage replat that would be a residential development in the historic district.
The Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of the plat in March. Based on city code, Lopez recommended the commission deny legal sufficiency for the appeal and move the final plat application to another City Commission meeting.
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LocalColor 04/13/15 - 08:53 am 32If the request for an audit is *not* an indictment...
...of the chaos surrounding the lack of a viable CoSA 450th plan, it certainly ought to be. Six years of posturing, boasting, and spending and - now that we're six months away from the anniversary - no plan, no leadership, and no funding. Those most responsible for the *need* for a 450th contract audit are the last who should be "taking control" of 450th contract reviews.
HappyKitty 04/13/15 - 08:57 am 30No one sees it as an
No one sees it as an indictment of the 450th. It is an indictment of the city government, and it's arrogant, but fumbling mismanagement.
It only validates the accounting. A fraud audit is more complex and looks for fraud. A management audit evaluates systems, checks and balances and effective management. The voters are left with the task of evaluating judgement and leadership.
1 comment:
Wow! Commenter HappyKitty gets a tail wag from the Saint Aug Dog. Love that indictment of the city talk!
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