You cannot hope to bribe or twist
(thank God!) the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there’s no occasion to.
--- Humbert Wolfe
The same wretched WRECKORD editorial process that resulted in calling Nancy Shaver an "upstart" and advocating for "business as usual" in endorsing the ancien regime has struck again.
In a lying borderline libelous editorial today, the Record attacks Mayor Shaver and her supporters for wanting answers about no-bid contracts, including the 450th.
"Not Watergate?"
This is from the newspaper that covered up for every single scam and scheme, from dumping a landfill in a lake to the Sheriff's and State's Attorneys' coverup of the fatal September 2, 2010 shooting of Michelle O'Connell in the home of Sheriff's Deputy JEREMY BANKS.
To whom do they think they're talking?
KATHY NELSON, DELINDA FOGEL: The Wrecking Crew running the St. Augustine Record never comes to government meetings, and has no standing to distort what happens.
I've only had some 65 letters and columns in the Record, which defended me against a former mayor's attack by November 19, 2006 editorial.
I've only helped with more than 33 community victories since 2005.
I've only been attending and speaking at City Commission meetings for ten (10) years. I only went to school for 22 years. I only worked for three United States Senators and two federal administrate law judges.
I've only been editor of one little 'ole newspaper, which won declassification of the largest mercury pollution event in world history (Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant, exposed corruption in Anderson County, Tennessee, helping elect and re-elect reformers and indict and convict Anderson County Sheriff DENNIS O. TROTTER.
KATHY NELSON hung up on me when I questioned the wisdom, ethics and efficacy of her unlawful firing of reporter Peter Guinta. She has not spoken to me since that time. She has a well-deserved reputation as petty and vindictive in "her" newsroom, which she has deprived of older journalists, systematically committing age discrimination.
Rather than cover the news, The WRECKORD too often covers up, for corrupt officials and developers.
Not journalism -- this KATHY NELSON even insulted New York Times investigative reporter Walt Bogdanich as"parachuting in" for investigating Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR, with an editorializing "news" story that said he "had no regrets" about not "making friends" with SHOAR.
Under its current wretched mismanagement, the WRECKORD is the pits. Stick to columns about your father and golfing, KATHY NELSON: no one cares what you think about our local City Hall.
HERE IS The Record's stinky editorial, and comments:
Editorial: Time to put distance between distraction and destiny in St. Augustine
Posted: April 25, 2015 - 6:30pm
“A good oxman does not quarrel with his ox”
— Unknown
Monday night’s city agenda, on its face, might be free of the tension and high theater we’ve witnessed over the past few months on the St. Augustine City Commission. Let’s all hope so.
The rift between commissioners and mayor isn’t imaginary, nor is it unprecedented in city politics. Winning elections can be heady stuff, and winners — mayors or commissioners — can get a little “mandate-creep” crawling around in their heads. The pendulum of politics here has swung wildly in the past, and manifested itself at the polls.
Take, for instance, the Bridge of Lions restoration controversy or the parking garage proposal behind the Lightner building. Both of these made and melted political mini-cartels here. It was ugly then, and it’s ugly now.
Mayor Nancy Shaver, whether intentionally or not, lit the fire when she chastised sitting commissioners publicly early in March. She went so far as to utter the “word-heard-’round-the-town” in relation to her fellow commissioners: “Embarrassment.”
We’ve been watching this particular set of officials closely and do not remember anything remotely embarrassing in their actions or decorum. Conversely, the most notable embarrassment came at another March meeting of the city when a group of hecklers, made up predominately of the mayor’s election team, disrupted the meeting with catcalls and laughter. It was all mildly reminiscent of the street performers’ etiquette a few years back — and every bit as classy.
Ms. Shaver has an agenda, and that’s fine. She is, historically, certainly not alone in that regard. But she needs to realize that it is no more important, smart or timely than those of her colleagues on the commission. They have a constituency of their own, and equal status on the board.
For her part, veteran Commissioner Nancy Sikes-Kline has publicly been the moderate voice in the political chasm. But she was candid with The Record in a conversation last week. She said the mayor needs training, available from the Florida League of Cities. She said a mayor needs to be a leader, not a lightning rod. A leader, she says, builds trust, credibility and sets an example. “That isn’t what’s happening on her watch.” Sikes-Kline was also cautionary. She said Shaver’s brand of veiled disrespect, condescension and intimidation tactics on fellow commissioners “only works once.”
“She needs to stop campaigning and start governing,” Sikes-Kline said. “It’s brewing an undercurrent of distrust.”
But the problem extends beyond the walls of City Hall. One former city official who asked for anonymity said “the acrimony is poisoning the 450th.” And we know of more than one sponsor involved in the birthday bash who’s pulled out because of the mixed signals coming from city government. This is both a celebration and a reminder of a heritage and culture unique in the U.S. It’s not Watergate.
City Manager John Regan has done a good job of inserting himself as a buffer to all the angst, falling on his own sword in the process. His efforts may be paying off. The rumblings we hear from within city government is that the rift is closing. The pendulum is arcing tighter. Egos are deflating. Claws are retracting. And that has to happen, honestly, if the wheels of governance are to move ahead.
From the most dispassionate and practical side of the situation, Shaver is hurting her own constituency. How far can she pursue her campaign platform without the support of any of her peers?
The coercive position from which she attempts to play “is a weakness, not a strength.” Sikes-Kline said. “It’s been such a distraction for everybody. We need to get on with it.”
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JoeJoe 04/26/15 - 09:14 am 01The folks at the Record need to get over the fact
that their man Mr. Boles lost. That is also the problem with most of the other commissioners. Now the Record and the other commissioners are trying to blame the failing 450th debacle on the incoming Mayor??? That is downright slimy in my opinion. I was not convinced Ms. Shaver was the savior of the city, but some of those current commissioners need to be taken down a notch or 2. Let us not forget what led to Mr. Boles to being fired by the voters after 8 terms in office.
captdave 04/26/15 - 09:23 am 11This argument sounds vaguely
This argument sounds vaguely familiar to a recent presidential election. We won, you lost, we have a mandate to hell with anybody else. Yes Shaver won by an extremely small margin. She needs to step up and be a leader for everyone and not a divisive figure. She only needs to look to the president to see how well that failed strategy worked. Anyone wish Joe Boles were back?
LocalColor 04/26/15 - 09:43 am 00Another anonymous hatchet job?
An unsigned editorial is worth less than the paper on which it's printed and this cheap shot is worth less than that. Mayor Shaver has voiced the voter's opinion of St. Augustine's good-ol-boy-(and gal) junta and its minions in city government. That's what we elected her to do and continue doing. Here's hoping she keeps up this good and absolutely necessary work!
Bob Fliegel 04/27/15 - 12:53 pm20Assessing the influence of the Record's editorial(s)
The significance of the Record's editorial is dependent on two factors.
First, and on the most elementary level, whether the readership and most City commissioners believe the editorialist has made a persuasive case.
But secondly, and perhaps more importantly, whether the latter believe the Record's opinion worth heeding, either because a) they respect the newspaper's institutional position on local issues or b) its publisher has real juice in influencing the behavior of City officials. Since I don't think b) is operative here in St. Augustine, editorial influence comes down to cogency of argument and respect for the Record as a worthy community stake holder, to whether the editorial board of the Record is seen to have the standing to admonish or challenge local government.
HappyKitty 04/27/15 - 08:24 am18A. Nobody wants ole
A. Nobody wants ole backslappin', gladhandin' Joe Boles back except for the good ole boys, who think it's perfectly ok to get screwed over as long as one of their own is doing the screwing.
B. Sikes-Kline would be serving her office better to take this issues up with the mayor personally, instead of talking about her like she's the new girl at school.
The Muse
The Muse 04/27/15 - 02:24 pm 37MEOOOWWWW
Goodness gracious---- I agree with HappyKitty that comments by Sikes-Kline were inappropriate. And catty! NOT the way to foster good working relationships!
She may have some rough edges, but Mayor Shaver is smart, honest, and looking to bring efficiency and transparency to the city government. She is looking for ways to make infrastructure improvements, curtail unnecessary revenue expenditures, and create new opportunities. I applaud her efforts!
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A gala is not a fundraising event? Since when? Maybe the city manager has fallen on his sword too many times and hit his head.
Hint: You need to sell those tickets, not gift them and especially not to senior city staff.
Pay-back to Spanish delegations is one thing, and is acceptable, but not to in-state or local "dignitaries." Only those who feted our officials in our sister city should be treated.
The ill-will bred by former mayor Boles lives on in this commission of sock puppets.
Neville and Ms. Breidenstein are co-opted. He and her husband are business partners. She is second in command of city finances. Cozy. Todd never disclosed this connection, not when he ran, not when he took office, and not now.
Neville also can't wait to spit venom at the mayor. He is on a mission. Maybe he will run for that position next year, or maybe he will back Joe in a stunning comeback.
The smear game, the denigration, the in-fighting, all the histrionics will continue much to the detriment of our city. These are petty people, taking order from a petty, deposed dictator.
Keep picking on Mayor Shaver and keep following your puppet-master's commands, please.
We can't wait to vote against all of you next time and clean up our commission.
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