Monday, August 04, 2008

Cognitive Misers' Frankenstein Monster-- St. Johns County Charter

Well, they've finally blamed it all on a law professor. The venerable UF law professor did not tell them to leave out an Inspector General, Ombuds, environmental protection or a human rights ordinance that protects against discrimination on the basis of "sexual orientation." That would be the Secret Twelve from Ponte Vedra, rich people who know not that they know not that the know not. Vote against their dumb ole charter.
Early and often. Tell your friends -- it is a sham and a shame they worked SO "hard" for three (3) years without deigning to listen to suggestions. Working "hard" without working "smart" wasted everyone's time. To the Secret Twelve from Ponte Vedra, next time treat government as a transparent process, instead of a covert operation.

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