Monday, August 04, 2008

Foreign Real Estate Speculators Be Damned -- Your Stupid Strip Malls Stand Unoccupited -- Get Thee Hence -- A Pox on All Your Dumb Ole Ugly Buildings!

See Below. ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUBARD and his ilk have gulled, diddled and euchred enough investors, domestic and foreign, to fill a Grand Jury docket. They've destroyed wetlands and a 3000-4000 year old Indian village, next to St. Augustine High School. They and their creepy lawyers (GEORGE McCLURE, MCCLURE BLOODWORTH and ROGERS TOWERS) can now drive around on $4.00/gallon gasoline and see what they have wrought. Like Ozymandius, only without the class and panache. Their ugly-ass developments were shoddily built, so one looks forward to them collapsing into swamps, unoccupied. McCLURE once bragged that he represented ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUBARD, "the most hated man in St. Johns County." Well, GEORGE, "that's damning with faint praise. See below.

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