Monday, August 04, 2008

Judge: Steinheimer must pay his fine

Judge: Steinheimer must pay his fine

Publication Date: 08/02/08

A county court judge ruled Friday that Morris Steinheimer, a disabled man ticketed in March for driving his golf cart on a sidewalk, had to pay the $123.50 fine.

Steinheimer and his "life partner," Mandy Fugate, have used the golf cart to travel from their Treasure Beach Road home for years and contend that they have the right to do so under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Judge Charles Tinlin said, while he sympathized with the couple, a state law forbids driving a golf cart on the sidewalk. He gave Steinheimer six months to pay the fine.

He has 30 days to appeal the decision, and his attorney, Tom Cushman, said he planned to.

The couple has also said that they don't have a feasible alternative to the golf cart for transportation.

During the hearing, Cushman told Tinlin, "They've explored every option that they have."

Tinlin replied, "Well I don't think they have."

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