Friday, March 14, 2025

Tree removal permits in the City of St. Augustine

March 18, 2025 St. Johns County Commission meeting will consider a tree protection ordinance for St. Johns County. Come speak. Read about tree protection in our City of St. Augustine, which has earned the status of a "Tree City USA" since 1983, designated by the National Arbor Day Foundation: 


frequently asked questions

The City of St. Augustine recognizes the value of trees and their

contribution to the beauty and health of community. To protect

these community assets, a permit is required before removing

trees of a certain size and species. Trees removed without a

permit can result in a fine of up to $5,000 per tree.

The City of St. Augustine has

been recognized by the

National Arbor Day Foundations

as a Tree City USA since 1983

What trees require a permit to remove?

Any tree with a trunk 3” in diameter or greater when measured 4’-6” from the

ground requires a tree removal permit.

Large trees of certain species are considered “significant” and require the

approval of the Planning and Zoning Board. See the appendix 1 for a list of

significant trees

Are there Exceptions for “weed” trees or invasive species?

Yes. There is a list of invasive and exempt species that may be removed without receiving a

permit. See the appendix 2 for a complete list of these species.

Are there fees? Do I need to plant a new tree?

“Preserved” trees (see appendix 1) require an application to the Planning and Zoning board

where fees and advertising costs may vary. For all other trees A $30 processing fee is

submitted with the tree removal application. A new tree will need to replanted on the same

parcel of land and will need to meet the following requirements:

Type of tree removed Replacement Tree(s)* Minimum Size

Shade Tree one (1) Shade Tree 10’ height

Red Cedar two (2) Red Cedars per building official

Understory or Palm tree one (1) Shade, Palm, or Understory Tree 10’ height

*See appendix



Is there a building



Review Authority:

Planning and

Building Dept. Staff



Is the tree considered


See appendix 1


Will 50% or more of

the canopy be removed



Review Authority:

Planning and

Zoning Board


Is there a building



For more information about

St. Augustine’s Urban Forest



Required documentation

Tree Removal Application

• Tree Replacement may be necessary


Required documentation

Tree Removal Application

Site Plan for development showing:

• Locations of structures and buildings

• Site improvements, including: parking, roads, features, utilities, etc.

• Calculation of tree credits (per Sec. 25-53)


Required documentation

Planning and Zoning Board Application

• Tree Replacement may be necessary

Arborist report for all “significant” trees

• Tree identification and measurement

• Site Observations

• Aerial photo of site with approximate location of tree(s)

• Condition Assessment

• Recommendations


conservation overlay zone 3 development

Required documentation

Planning and Zoning Board Application

Site Plan for development showing:

• Locations of structures and buildings

• Site improvements, including: parking, roads, features, utilities, etc.

• All trees (both removed and retained) 3” dbh or larger, identified by

species and dbh.

• Indicate significant trees and identify tree protection zone (3 x trunk


• Calculation of tree credits (per Sec. 25-53)

Arborist report for all “significant” trees

• Tree identification and measurement

• Aerial photo with estimated canopy loss calculations

• Site Observations + Photos

• Condition Assessment

• Preservation techniques for construction

• RecommendationsCity of St. Augustine Arboriculture Report

This report is to be completed by an ISA certified arborist to accompany a request for removal of a significant trees as defined in chapter

11 of the City of St. Augustine Development Code. The information described below does not constitute a “hazard inspection” and the

inspecting Arborist is responsible for providing additional information, if necessary, regarding the condition of the subject tree(s).


NAME OF APPLICANT ________________________________________________________

ISA Certification # ___________________________________________________________

Business (if applicable) _______________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City _________________________ State _______ Zip Code ________________________

Daytime Telephone___________________ Other Phone ____________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________________


STREET ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________

Legal Description: Lot ______ Block ____________ Subdivision ______________________

Parcel _____________________


Provide a short description of the work completed, reason for removal, any targets and the

method(s) of inspection. Include any additional information or explanation on an attached report.




TREE INVENTORY(attach additional trees on separate sheet)

Size Species Condition Recommendations

(dbh) (good, fair, poor, dead)

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________

____ ___________________________ _____________________ ______________________


Provide a short description of defects, hazards or items of concern to the board. Include

any additional information or explanation on an attached report.





• Aerial photo of the subject property indicating the approximate location of the tree

• Photo(s) of the subject tree(s)

Continue onto next sheet if applying for Significant Tree Removal and Building PermitCity of St. Augustine Arboriculture Report

This below information is to be submitted in conjunction with development plans when the removal of a significant tree is associated

with improvements to the property and requires the issuance of a building permit.


Provide an aerial view of the property indicating (a) the location of examined trees, (b) the

approximate canopy coverage pre-development and (c) the approximate amount of canopy

coverage post-development. Aerial measurements can be taken from the St. Johns County

GIS website;

(attach to application)


Provide a response to the seventeen (17) “standards for review” listed in section 11-29 of the

City of St. Augustine Land Development code

(attach to application)


Provide a scaled plan of the property to be developed, showing the locations of all structures

and buildings, required yards, required parking, surface drive areas, loading spaces, stacking

spaces, planting areas (both bufferyards and interior), dumpsters, exterior mechanical

equipment, storm drainage retention areas, and all trees three (3) inches or larger dbh., by

species and dbh (both to be removed and to be retained), and any other necessary details

required for review.

Indicate “significant” trees to remain by marking them in green and “significant” to be

removed by marking them in red. Indicate the tree protection zone (tpz of each “significant”

tree at three times the diameter of the tree. Indicate the location of all tree barricades or

tree protection fencing.

(attach to application)


Describe the impact the proposed development will have on the existing trees and if any

consideration or development techniques are proposed to preserve trees on the site.

(attach to application)Significant Tree Species

Significant trees are described in the following list (sec. 11-27). Removal of any tree that

meets the criteria of this list requires an arborist's report and review by the Planning and

Zoning Board (sec. 25-56.c.2)

Scientific Name Common Name

Min. dbh to

Max. dbh

Acer rubrum and Acer spp. maple, red or other maples 18

Betula nigra birch, river 24

Carya glabra hickory, pignut 18

Carya illinoensis pecan 18

Carya tomentosa hickory, mockernut 18

Catalpa binoniodes catalpa 18

Celtis laevigata hackberry (sugarbberry) 15 to 36

Cercis canadensis red bud 10

Chionanthus virginicus fringetree 10

Fraxinus spp. ash 18

Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay 10

Ilex cassine holly, dahoon 10

Ilex opaca holly, American 10

Ilex x attenuate holly, "East Palatka" 10

Juglans nigra walnut, black 18

Juniperus silicicola red cedar, southern 8

Juniperus virginiana red cedar, eastern 8

Lagerstroemia indica crape myrtle - single trunk 10

Liquidambar styracilua sweetgum 18

Liriodendron tulipifera tulip-poplar 18

Magnolia grandiflora magnolia, southern 18

Magnolia grandiflora var. magnolia, southern v. "Little Gem" 10

Magnolia virginiana magnolia, sweetbay 10

Nyssa sylvatica blackgum, black tupelo 18

Platanus occidentalis sycamore 18

Prunus caroliniana cherry laurel 10

Prunus serotina black cherry 18

Quercus falcata oak, red (southern red oak) 18

Quercus geminate oak, sand live 10

Quercus hemispherica oak, laurel 15 to 36

Quercus laevis oak, turkey 18

Quercus laurifolia oak, laurel (swamp) 15 to 36

Quercus nigra oak, water 15 to 36

Quercus nuttallii oak, nuttall 18

City of St. Augustine Tree Removal Guidelines Appendix 1 - Preserved TreesSignificant Tree Species

Significant trees are described in the following list (sec. 11-27). Removal of any tree that

meets the criteria of this list requires an arborist's report and review by the Planning and

Zoning Board (sec. 25-56.c.2)

Scientific Name Common Name

Min. dbh to

Max. dbh

Quercus phellos oak, willow 18

Quercus shumardii oak, shumard 18

Quercus spp. oak, other unlisted species 18

Quercus stellata oak, post 18

Quercus virginiana oak, live (southern live oak) 18

Taxodium distichum cypress, bald (pond cypress) 10

Ulmus alata elm, winged 10

Ulmus Americana elm, American 18

Ulmus parvifolia elm, drake 10

City of St. Augustine Tree Removal Guidelines Appendix 1 - Preserved TreesExempt Tree Species

Exempt trees are described in the following list (sec. 25-52) and may be

removed without a permit.

Scientific Name Common Name

Malus spp. apple

Citrus spp. citrus

Esucalyptus spp. eucalyptus

Enterolobium cyclocarpum ear tree

Koelreuteria paniculata golden raintree

Parinsonia aculeate jerusalem thorn

Cupressocypari leylandii leyland cypress

Eriobotrya japonica loquat

Nerium oleander oleander

Bauhinia spp. orchid tree

Prunus persica peach/nectarine

Photinia x fraseri photinia, red tip, red top

Prunus angustifolia plum

Pyrus spp. pear

Dispyros virginiana persimmon

Coccoloba unifera sea grape

Grevillea robusta silk oak

Ailanthus altissima tree of heaven

Myrica cerifera wax myrtle

Salix Babylonica weeping willow

Cornus Florida dogwood

Invasive Tree Species

Invasive trees are described in the following list (sec. 25-52) and may be

removed without a permit. It is unlawful to plant any invasive species (sec. 25-


Scientific Name Common Name

Casuarinas spp. australian pine

Bauhinia variegate orchid tree

Shinus terebinthefolius brazilian pepper

Cinnamomum camphora camphor tree

Melia azerdach chinaberry

Sapium sebiferum chinese tallow, popcorn tree

Malaleuca leucadendion mallaleuca, punk tree

Albizia lebbeck woman's tongue, singer tree

City of St. Augustine Tree Removal Guidelines Appendix 2: Exempt and Invasive TreesApproved Replacement Tree Species

This list of tree species are approved species that may be planted as part of a landscap plan or as

replacement for removed trees. Additional species may be allowed following review of City Staff.


Scientific Name Common Name


Height Tree Shape

Acer floridanum Florida sugar maple 30' round

Acer rubrum Red maple 65' round

Acer saccharum Silver maple 50' round

Betula nigra River birch 65' round

Carya glabra Pignut hickory 55' upright

Celtis laevigata Sugarberry 55' vase

Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 50' round

Gordonia lasianthumus Loblolly Bay 50' upright

Ilex x attenuata 'East Palatka' East Palatka Holly 35' upright

Ilex cassine Dahoon holly 35' upright

Ilex opaca American holly 35' upright

Juniperus silicicola Southern Red Cedar 35' spreading

Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar 35' round

Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum 80' upright

Liriodendron tulipfera Tulip tree 90' round

Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia 70' pyramidal

Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay 60' round

Pinus elliottii Slash Pine 85' upright

Pinus palustris Longleaf pine 70' upright

Pinus taeda Loblolly pine 85' upright

Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 100' upright

Prunus caroliniana Cherry laurel 30' round

Quercus laevis Turkey oak 50' round

Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 70' round

Quercus shumardii Shumard oak 80' round

Quercus virginiana Live oak 60' spreading

Taxodium distichum Bald cypress 60' pyramidal

Tilia caroliniana Carolina basswood 30' round

Tilia floridana Florida basswood 50' round

Ulmus alata Winged elm 50' vase

Ulmus parvifolia Lacebark Elm 40' vase

City of St. Augustine Tree Removal Guidelines Appendix 3: Approved Replacement SpeciesApproved Replacement Tree Species


Scientific Name Common Name

Cercis canadensis redbud Chionanthus virginicus fringe tree Citrus spp. citrus Cornus florida flowering dogwood Callistemon spp. Bottlebrush Eriobotrya japonica loquat Ilex vomitoria youpon holly Lagerstroemia indica crape myrtle mult. varieties Ligustrum japonicum tree form wax privet Magnolia ashei ashe magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' little gem magnolia Magnolia x soulangeana saucer magnolaia Myrica cerifera wax myrtle Olea europaea olive tree Prunus angustifolia chickasaw plum Vaccinium arboreum sparkleberry Vitex agnus-castus chaste tree Zanthoxylum clava- herculis hercules’ club PALM TREES

Scientific Name common name

Phoenix canariensis canary island date palm Phoenix sylvestris wild date palm Sabal palmetto cabbage palmetto, sabal palm Washintonia robusta washingtonian palm City of St. 

1 comment:

Lenny said...

If you remove a tree then you plant one somewhere else. That should be the policy in place of fees, and that's probably cheaper. Not to mention, it should be looking like the Garden of Babylon down there by now. These mummies down here...who knows what they've done with their time besides piss it away. Doesn't look too much nicer than it did when there was only 40,000 people living in SJC.