There was massive fraud, resulting in false statements to federal officials and college rating organizations, falsifying hundreds of students test scores and class ranks. Students flunked courses because they were placed in the wrong class.
Should MARC WILLIAR be prosecuted for federal crimes? That is up to the United States Attorney and the FBI. This is not the end of the case, as the data would support a federal criminal prosecution for mail and wire fraud and possible bribery. WILLIAR received payments from vendors as a consultant without disclosing it to Flagler President William Abare: this violated Flagler's policies and constitutes a breach of fiduciary duty.
Read the report"> by the law firm of MaguireWoods, which includes the following recommendations:
E. The Development of Safe Harbors for the Confidential Reporting of Potential Misconduct
1. Misconduct Hotline
We recommend that the College institute an anonymous hotline that allows College employees a safe and confidential mechanism to report misconduct without fear of reprisal. Staff in Admissions and Enrollment Management should be reminded of the importance of bringing any potentially sensitive issues to the attention of either their respective supervisors or the hotline.
Additionally, all faculty and staff, as well as students in identified leadership roles, should be trained and made aware of their right and responsibility to report any conduct that is perceived to be unethical or improper.
2. Ombudsman
We further recommend the appointment of an Ombudsman. The Ombudsman would serve the College community as a confidential resource by assisting community members with issues internal to Flagler College and providing a proactive voice regarding issues that arise throughout its campus.
All organizations must protect whistleblowers and appoint ombudsmen, including our city and county governments. I have been calling for that for years, mostly falling on uncaring ears (other than the Anastasia Mosquito Control Commission of St. Johns County, which unanimously adopted a whistleblower policy circa 2008).
What do y'all reckon?

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