University of Florida Levin College of Law is under investigation by the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education for age, disability and retaliation discrimination.
On June 1, 2010, I spoke by telephone with Associate Dean ALYSON CRAIG FLOURNOY, asking whether it might be possible to take longer than a year to complete the Environmental and Land Use Planning Law LL.M. program (I had recently had eye surgery for retina detachment at UF).
She said no, that "you have to finish in a year."
I asked her whether there could be an ADA reasonable accommodation. She was negative, clipped and cold, referring to another part of the university that would determine that and suggesting that I go to Florida State University, in Tallahassee.
Three days later I visited the campus, and UF had no one to show me around, not even referring me to the Student Ambassador Board. I was told by E-mail to show myself around. UF did not show a welcoming spirit. UF was hostile to an application from an older student ab initio.
UF has refused to admit me five times to its Environmental and Land Use Planning Law LL.M. program.
Three of the rejection letters were misspelled (misspelling "Land" as "Lane")
Its committee never met and did not have a university charter. UF Ombuds and other offices were no help. UF did not comply with its own procedures or ABA requirements to have a grievance procedure and respect rights ADA and diversity.
Defiant, UF does not admit older graduate students -- this is invidious discrimination.
It also retaliated for my filing internal and external complaints, instead of e-mailing all my letters of recommendation -- some 49 of them -- to the New York Times, Folio Weekly, St. Augustine Record, et al. Its Assistant Vice President, Janine Sykes, has not expained what posed her to do that.
Yesterday, UF and I had a five hour mediation.
UF phoned it in -- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Commissioner Hank Groton and I sat in the conference room at the City Financial Services Building at 50 Bridge Street, while we spoke on the telephone with Dean ALYSON CRAIG FLOURNOY and a UF lawyer.
UF answered no questions.
UF provided no data.
UF asked no questions.
It was like talking to a post.
The mediation ended with UF hanging up the telephone on Commissioner Groton before he was finished talking.
How gauche. How louche. How lazy.
Yes, the UF lawyer and Senior Associate Dean ALYSON FLOURNOY hung up the telephone on the mediator.
He and I were flummoxed, nonplussed, appalled and amazed at UF's lack of courtesy and compassion and manners.
Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
P.S I am also: (a) an investigative reporter who won declassification of the largest mercury pollution event in world history (Oak Ridge, Tennessee Y-12 nuclear weapons plant), (b) a nationally known whistleblower advocate disbarred after standing up for worker rights and © a St. Augustine, Florida activist noted for more than 30 victories here since 2005.
P.S. I AM ALSO GAY. It has occurred to me that because of that, and because I wrote the first American Bar Association publication on Gay marriage in 1991, that this might also be a problem (won settlement of the Rinde v. Woodward & Lothrop case in 1990, and Duane Rinde and other letters mention my Gay rights advocacy). No federal laws apply yet.
But to understand ALYSON CRAIG FLOURNOY, it is mandatory that she must give a lengthy statement to the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education and be examined on direct examination as if under cross-examination under Federal Rule of Evidence 611c
Looking to closely examining ALYSON CRAIG FLOURNOY and understanding the psychology of prejudice at the University of Florida, such that they would not talk to me from June 1, 2010 until August 25, 2014 (and then only through rasping junior counsel who said fewer than five paragraphs over five hours).
Prediction: Lashon hara and bigotry from the University of Florida Levin College of Law and ALYSON CRAIG FLOURNOY will be ended by application of the majesty of federal law.


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