Our Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) voted August 21 to allow demolition of an historic building after threats to "throw a bomb" and start a riot.
The threats emanated from St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church parishioners, including St. Paul AME Church treasurer Barbara B. Allen.
Go to www.cosatv.com and watch.
The threats were stirred up by Rev. RONALD RAWLS, married to University of Florida Levin College of Law Professor MESHON RAWLS.
REV. RONALD RAWLS lives in Gainesville but preaches in St. Augustine, commuting daily.
REV. RONALD RAWLS threatened HARB that if it did not approve the demolition of ECHO HOUSE, it would be racism.
REV. RONALD RAWLS inflamed hatred directed against HARB members and bullied them for three months.
REV. RONALD RAWLS even threatened to move his church out of town.
Last Thursday, REV. RONALD RAWLS got his way amid loud hooting, hollering and threats.
No police intervened.
No city attorney bothered to quote Florida law about quasi-judicial hearings not being influenced by "the clamor of the crowd" (a quote they frequently use to throttle environmentalists working to save our nature, history and culture here).
Chairman CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR., our former Mayor, did not gavel the meeting back to order.
HARB member Randall Roark tried to engage in a reasoned discussion, but was shouted down by the crowd and halted by fellow board members, who hastily voted the demolition of 2/3 of ECHO HOUSE.
At last night's City Commission meeting, I asked St. Augustine City Commissioners to take back ECHO HOUSE.
Our City has a right of reverter clause in the quitclaim deed. It must exercise it. Now. Before any demolition.
REV. RONALD RAWLS got ECHO HOUSE based on his promise to fix it up. He never kept his promise. He never tried to keep his promise. He let the building sit idle for four years. He sold the roof tiles. The Mayor and City Attorney then libeled him and falsely accused him of theft. They did not apologize. That was a mistake. REV. RONALD RAWLS did not sue. That was a mistake. The statute of limitations expired.
Shortly thereafter, REV. RONALD RAWLS demanded to tear down ECHO HOUSE.
He wants to put up a parking lot!
That would generate income, like every other church packing lot in the city, which generate income when church is not in session.
Since that would end any pretense of ECHO HOUSE ever being used "exclusively" for charitable purposes, the City must take it back.
And in the future, there needs to be a police officer at every single city meeting, including HARB, PZB and Code Enforcement.

1 comment:
Readers: Watch the HARB meeting, Aug. 21, yourselves. Ms. Barbara Allen, the first to take the podium, bellowed, "THIS IS ABOUT RACE!"
It is about a BUILDING and HIATORIC PRESERVATION GUIDELINES -- and whether or not that structure is historically significant, whether it meets guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior, whether staff recommends saving it and why. ALL those items ARE CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF KEEPING ECHO HOUSE AND REHABBING IT. NOT demolition.
There was no discussion of the building. HARB did not apply its own guidelines to the property.
The decision was made from fear and bullying, instituted by a so-called "man of God," Rev. Ron Rawls.
God save ECHO HOUSE from that monster.
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