Sunday, August 03, 2014

Will history repeat itself?

Four years ago, a Sunshine-violating trip to Spain was planned by all five City Commissioners. Four of them bailed. One went. He was defeated for re-election.
On June 23, 2014, a breathless Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. invited four colleagues to go with him to Spain, on a trip he said he was taking at his own expense. He missed the point by a country mile. The issue is conducting business in a foreign country in violation of Sunshine laws. It is illegal. Even the Alachua County School Board can't hold meetings in Orlando. But Spain!
Vice Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline has turned BOLES down. She has never accepted City trips to Spain. Ever.
Will history repeat itself?
Will the other City Commissioners decline, as has Vice Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline?
Stay tuned!

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