Congressional Record: May 23, 2008 (Extensions)]
[Page E1091]
From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []
[[Page E1091]]
of florida
in the house of representatives
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mr. MICA. Madam Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 5658, which
provides funds for the Sonobuoy Flight Vehicle. I am requesting funding
in the FY09 Defense Authorization bill, Navy RDT&E account for the
Sonobuoy Flight Vehicle, manufactured by Sparton Electronics, located
at 5612 Johnson Lake Road in DeLeon Springs, Florida 32130.
The deteriorating condition of the aging P-3 Orion fleet and the
recent termination of the S-3 Viking program have resulted in fewer
manned airborne ASW platforms available to the Navy's surface forces.
While full operational capability of the new P-8 Poseidon is not
expected until 2017-2020 or beyond, Navy surface combatants are in
urgent need of a low cost, organic system to rapidly deploy acoustic
sensors at a distance from the force. SFV capability will be critical
where there is a deficiency in organic airborne ASW assets, or in the
littoral in situations where a hostile coastline poses a threat to
manned ASW aircraft.
This is the first year funding will be needed to begin the research
and development phase of this project. There will be no cost share, as
this project is being developed for the Navy. Requested government
funding of $2.6M for the Sonobuoy Flight Kit will achieve the
following: 1. Detailed design of SFV and system components. 2. Land-
based flight trials verifying overall system performance, including
range, speed, and endurance of the SFV. 3. Complete a production tooled
design capable of supporting LRIP testing. 4. Design and fabricate a
compact ship-based launch mechanism for use on LCS or other surface
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