Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Record should have covered Obama rally

Record should have covered Obama rally

By Sally Riley and Sadie R. Carter
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 09/30/08

Editor: On Sept. 20, an estimated 20,000 people attended a presidential campaign rally for U.S. Sen. Barack Obama in Metropolitan Park, Jacksonville. Some 8,000 more, unable to get in, listened outside the park fence.

I was there to attest to the size and tremendous enthusiasm of the crowd, some of whom stood waiting for four hours or more.

It is difficult to understand why The Record ignored this rally, with its unusually large attendance and speaker of great current importance. Several major news organizations from distant cities, including The New York Times and The Associated Press, produced lengthy columns under large headlines covering this important event.

The Record finally put a small piece about it (from an Orlando paper) on Page 3A on Monday, two days later, probably in response to indignant complaints from readers.

How could our local newspaper have failed to cover, or even announced, this event, which was attended by so many of its readers from St. Augustine? Perhaps The Record has a policy of turning a blind eye on news about Democrats during this campaign.

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