What "poor college student" from UNF is the auteur of "drunk mornings" and purports to know what City and Congressional apparatchiks read on the web?
Must be some well-connected party-boy, this "John" who posts on Plazabum.
Who could igt be?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Who'd hire an engineer who bragged of his "drunk mornings" on the Internet, anyway?
Firstly, I should mention that the name is "Drunken Mornings." Let's get that settled.
Now, the blog titled "Drunken Mornings" was a way for me to update the feed for my internet radio show (podcast, if you will), of the same name. The complete run of the show is still available on http://www.drunkenmornings.com.
I openly invite anybody to download and listen to the show - particularly episodes four and five, those have always been my favorite.
The website isn't what it used to be, though - there used to be forums, pictures - the whole thing was a pretty cool interactive experience, really. I started losing interest in the show, though, and eventually took most of the website down. Now, it's just a bare-bones site, just for downloading the show for posterity's sake.
Anyways, at every interview I've ever had, employers have always thought it was pretty awesome.
The whole thing was fairly interesting on a technological level, too. I mean, nowadays, the term "podcast" is pretty meaningless - nearly everyone and their mom has a podcast lately, most of them terrible and boring. When we did it, though, it was super-hip.
I don't think I've made an episode in, what, over a year now? The last one was posted in March, 2007.
The whole thing sort of stands as a testament to what I used to be - when I was at UF, I partied it up and didn't take school seriously, and eventually got kicked out - around when the time the show died out.
Now, I'm at UNF, kickin' ass all over the place (academically), and rarely ever go out partying anymore. While it's not a bad idea to take the site down, I feel like that's the equivalent of destroying an old journal, just because it kind of depresses you to go back and read it.
Also, I should add that I'm a Computer Science major, which does not make me an engineer! They're very, very different fields.
That link should provide some insight :)
Also, I think a definition is in order here:
At no point did I say I was "poor," I said I was "practically broke."
What does this mean?
It means that, for every paycheck I get from my part-time job, it's broken down into:
1) Expenses
2) Savings
3) a bare minimum of "spending money"
I scrimp and save wherever possible - at my job, I never eat lunch out, I brown-bag it. At school, I never eat at the on-campus pizza place, I brown-bag it. I rarely (maybe once every two months) go out to bars (it's too expensive!), I live at home with my parents (so I don't have to pay rent).
Rather than build a new computer (which I really want to do), I'm finding ways to extend the life of my current one as much as possible.
Basically, to me, "practically broke" means, if I can avoid buying it, then I don't buy it. I make an ok amount of money at my part-time job, and I save as much as is humanly possible. A decent chunk goes to expenses (gas, credit card payments), everything else I spread out as far as possible, and I try and put a decent chunk into my savings (for next semester's tuition).
No, I'm not a "poor" college student, I'm a "practically broke" college student - two very, very different things.
So I found myself with some free time at work, and I decided to check out this post again.
You wrote:
Must be some well-connected party-boy, this "John" who posts on Plazabum.
Who could igt be?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I just thought I'd point out that people can click on my name, and find out exactly who I am.
And yeah, I post on plazabum, but I think most of those people are just as crazy as this blog.
At no point did I purport to know who reads this blog, I just have serious doubts that John Mica reads it. Very serious doubts.
Also, +5 points for the "Dude, where's my car?" soundtrack picture.
This is the absolute last thing I'll say on this post:
I understand you're putting "poor college student" in quotation marks to imply you don't believe it to be true.
However, it can be easily misconstrued to be a direct quote, which it is not! At no point did I claim to be "poor," as indicated above, I claimed to be "practically broke," which I see as very different.
On the thought of mis-use of quotation marks, you should check out The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. It's pretty hilarious.
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