OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA actually voted against the Family and Medical Leave Act (providing unpaid leave).
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA actually voted against raising the federal minimum wage for the first time in nine years, even though 72% of Florida voteres voted to raise our minimum wage by Constitutional Amendment in 2004.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA is no "gentleman" -- he's a thug.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA head-butt a news cameraman and lied about it.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA is like a stereotype of what Congressman used to be in the 19th century.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA broke his promise on term limits -- he's still there.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA kicks workers in the teeth while favoring big corporations.
OUR DICKENSIAN CONGRESSMAN JOHN MICA needs to be defeated -- kick him out the door.
Faye Armitage can do it. Start voting.
See below.
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