Controversial City Commissioner ERROL JONES a/k/a ERRONEOUS JONES has done it again.
FOLIO WEEKLY previously reported that JONES opened drawerzs in plastic containers behind a ghost tour company's table at the Slave Market in St. Augustine, without asking permission. JONES' gaucheries know no bounds.
This week, ERRONEOUS JONES and a male friend were riding through the Lincolnville neighborhood in an automobile. JONES saw a Judith Seraphin supporter carrying Judith Seraphin signs ("She won't DUCK the issues) and Obama for President signs. JONES abruptly turned around and jumped out of his car.
ERRONEOUS JONES asked the Seraphin supporter, "who are you?"
The Seraphin supporter answered the question, which JONES had no right to ask.
Next JONES rasped, "what is she to you?" How demeaning and condescending.
This is deeply offensive, and shows just how low ERRONEOUS JONES will go in trying to coerce, restrain, threaten and intimidate supporters of Judith Seraphin.
JONES broke every one of the seventeen (17) campaign promises he made in 2002.
Judith Seraphin organized the anti-dump movement in St. Augustine that stopped the return to the African-American and low-income community of Lincolnvile (founded 1866) of 40,000 cubic yards of solid waste (illegally dumped in our Old City Reservoir). JONES made the motion NOvember 13, 2007 to move the solid waste back to Lincolnville, betraying the neighborhood he supposedly represents.
In interrogating at least one Judith Seraphin supporter, six-year incumbent CIty Commissioner ERROL JONES a/k/a ERRONEOUS JONES may have committed a civil rights violation, as he acted under color of the law, custom, usage, practice and procedure of the CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE to conduct an unauthorizad interrogation of an American citizen.
This appears to be a violation of First, Ninth, Fifteenth and Voting Rights Act rights and could subject JONES to a money judgment for compensatory and punitive damages and attorney fees under the 1871 Civil Rights Act (the Ku Klus Klan Act), 42 U.S.C. 1983 1985 and 1988.
More importantly, this interrogation shows what the late Senator J. William Fulbright called "the Arrogance of Power." Creepily, ERRONEOUS JONES thinks he has hte right to question citizens about their exercise of their God-given rights to speak out for the candidate of their choice, in this case, Judith Seraphin, who is running against JONES for the Seat 1 City COmmission chair.
This is the height of arrogance. I can't imagine Barack Obama doing the same.
I can't imagine Robert Kennedy doing the same.
JONES is scared because the people of St. Augustine in their righteous wrath see right through ERRONEOUS JONES, City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS and their speculator-coddling, wetland-killing, tree-cutting, water-polluting works snd pomps.
To St. Augustine and St. Johns County voters If questioned or touched by ERRONEOUS JONES or other desparate Republicans, please videotape him and let us know.
If you know of any other kind of voter suppression or intimidation efforts, including sign-stealing, please let us know.
With kindest regards,
Ed Slavin
Box 3084
St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084
904-471-9918 (fax)
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