I both agree and disagree with the editorial (below).
The Governor did the right thing.
However, the editorial also calls for an immediate replacement to THOMAS G. MANUEL to be named by the Governor, whose staff told the Record that the Governor ordinarily does not replace a suspended official until there's a conviction or guilty plea.
Nothing good could come from immediately naming the next hanger-on in line from among the Courthouse Gang.
Let the names of qualified, independent, non-Republican applicants be discussed and debated, and let the Governor choose a non-Republican to hold the seat for two years, until the next election.
Appointing a lame duck now would only allow speculators to euchre another vote for their schemes.
Let the Governor publish a list of all persons seeking the permament appointment, so that the public can respond -- just as we do with judicial nominations.
Thattaway, if there is adverse information on any of the candidates, the public can share that information with the Governor, so that we have no more bribetakers in St. Johns County Government.
Meanwhile, we need an anti-bribery campaign in St. Johns County and St. Augustine and the other government agencies here.
People who are offered bribes should turn in the bribepayer.
People who are asked to give bribes should turn in the public official.
A culture of corruption can be changed one day at a time.
What do you reckon?
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