Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thank God! Pat Croce has dropped plans for "Raw Bar" ("Eat it Raw") on our Bayfront at Santa Maria Restaurant (Key West branch has half naked lady)

Three cheers!
Former Mayor George Gardner's newsletter just announced bar owner PAT CROCE has dropped his application.
Three cheers for St. Augustine PZB Chair Sue Agresta, who rightly excoriated PAT CROCE's sexist, misogynistic intellectual property for the proposed redevelopment of the Santa Maria Restaurant. She looked at the double entendre for CROCE's Key West bar and blasted it as "offensive." Who among us could disagree? It is three blocks from the St. Augustine Cathedral Basilica.
Architect Jerry Dixon and the proprietors of the Black Raven and Victory III tour boats rightly excoriated the dangers to safe navigation of a new dock behind the place.
Three cheers for the PZB for holding PAT CROCE and his controversial land planner, KAREN TAYLOR, accountable. Our City is not a doormat for bar owners from Key West, Philadelphia, or anywhere else. TAYLOR actually tried to say that "day use" meant "night use" She is at sea now that GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE is gone.
CROCE looked unhappy. His Planned Unit Development (PUD) was tabled due to unrebutted testimony and videos from boat owners and boat captains of the Black Raven and Victory III.
CROCE did not get is way, so he bolted.
How cool is that!
The 1% and their lawyers no longer boss and bully our town, as they did in recent years. Authenticity, not assininity, please!
With GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE gone to his grave, bad taste is in decline. Historic values are being reaffirmed.
Three cheers.

P.S. 15 U.S.C. 1052(a): PAT CROCE's IP -- "Eat it raw," misogynist, sexist as it is -- "consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter" and may not be trademarked under the Lanham Act. Hence, based upon PZB Chair Sue Agresta's concerns, any t-shirt seller may sell PAT CROCE's "Eat it raw" intellectual property without fear of a a trademark lawsuit, and the USPTO TTAB might be asked to cancel any PAT CROCE registration of "Eat it raw" logo with the nearly bare naked lady as "immoral" or "scandalous matter." Thank you, Chairwoman Agresta! You raised a very good issue. At your first meeting as PZB chair, you halted an abortion on our Bayfront. Viva!

PZB Chair SUE AGRESTA helped win this victory!

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