Sunday, June 20, 2021

Do County Republican Leaders' Anti-LGBTQIA+ Pride Proclamation Antics Encourage Anti-Gay Attacks in America?

Sunday Morning Memo to:

St. Johns County Commission Chair JEREMIAH RAY BLOCKER, County Administrator HUNTER SINCLAIR CONRAD, a/k/a/ "Church Lady," et al, facing federal court injunction hearing Tuesday, June 22, 2021, and

Lecturing on "lifestyles," busybody St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee Vice Chair TAMARA RENUART ("let she who is without sin cast the first stone") and SJC REC Chair ROY ALAIMO, JR., a former Planning and Zoning member and former Congressional staffer for RONALD DION DeSANTIS, who now sells restaurant menus as VP at David Dobbs Enterprises), author of blubbering about "lifestyles" in a sinfully hypocritical June 14, 2021 St. Augustine Record letter to the editor (not on SAR's website). 

Good morning, putative Christians:

Five years after the 49 Pulse nightclub murders in Orlando, St. Johns County filed misleading paperwork in federal court, seeking to block any discussion of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Proclamation. 

I am ashamed of our putative County leaders.

In 1566, St. Augustine founder Pedro Menendez de Aviles ordered the first anti-Gay hate crime in North American history, ordering the murder of Guillermo, a Gay French interpreter of the Guale Indian language, whom he described as a "Sodomite and a Lutheran" (his brother-in law wrote it down.

Your anti-LGBTQIA+ animus has deep roots in American history, and must be "extirpated." See, e.g.,  Gay Rights Coalition v. Georgetown University, 536 A.2d 1 (District of Columbia Court of Appeals, 1987)(en banc).

As y'all prance off to church this morning, oozing into your pews, I will be praying for you Dull Republican bigots and peckerwoods to repent.

Denying a request for Pride Proclamation like those adopted by three other local government entities in St. Johns County, CoSA, SAB and AMCD), BLOCKER and SJC violated Sunshine and blocking public discussion showed your lack of self-respect and lack of respect for human rights. 

Then, to add insult to injury, SJC REC Chair ROY ALAIMO, JR. and TAMARA RENUART printed a hate letter inveighing against the plaintiff, SARA BLOOMBERG, using flamethrower verbiage about how it would be wrong to ask religious people to endorse the "lifestyles" of American citizens.

It's a short step from condemning someone else's lifestyle to commit crimes and torts against them .

As Jesus said on the Cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do?"

Is there blood on the hands of hateful Republicans like BLOCKER, CONRAD, RENUART, ALAIMO, et al. for their significant encouragement of right-wing haters, inflaming fear and smear against LGBTQIA+ people?

You tell me.

Is there a hostile working environment in St. Johns County toward Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual and Transfer people?

You tell me.

Does that hostile working environment reflect the political platform of The American Taliban -- the St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee and Donald John Trump?

You tell me.

Is that bad for tourism and development?

You tell me.

Is it corrosive of the soul of our community?

You tell me, "Hoss" BLOCKER, "Church Lady" & Co.

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