Friday, March 14, 2025

We Must Stop SB 1118, a nasty pro-overdevelopment bill that violates our rights. (1000 Friends of Florida)

We, the People, must stop Florida Senate Bill 1118, one of the most noisome nasty legislative proposals of the 2025 Florida Legislature.  From 1000 Friennds of Florida: 

1000 Friends of Florida
Fri, Mar 14 at 2:33 PM

Dear Edward,

Senate Bill 1118, one of the most dangerous growth management rollback bills of the session, is scheduled for a committee hearing this Monday (Senate Community Affairs, March 17). We need immediate action to stop this bill before it advances. Call or email the Senate Community Affairs Committee members today!

This bill takes aim at smart growth and local decision-making. For example, last November, voters in Orange and Seminole counties overwhelmingly approved new protections for rural and agricultural lands—73% in Orange County and 82% in Seminole County. SB 1118 would undermine these kinds of locally supported efforts and open the floodgates for sprawl across Florida.

What SB 1118 Would Do:

  • Strip local control by forcing administrative approval of massive developments in "agricultural enclaves" and "infill residential" areas, regardless of local zoning or comprehensive plans.
  • Override voter-supported rural protections by forcing counties to treat land near urban services districts as if it were inside them, even when set aside for conservation or agriculture.
  • Weaken citizen input by eliminating public hearings for many development proposals—shutting residents out of decisions that impact their communities.
  • Favor developers over communities by requiring a supermajority vote to approve stronger protections for natural lands, while making it easier to approve new development.
  • Encourage fiscally irresponsible growth, leading to more taxpayer costs for roads, utilities, and public services.

Florida is already on track to lose 2.2 million acres of agricultural land by 2070 under current development patterns. We cannot afford to make it easier for developers to pave over our natural and rural lands.

📢 Call or email legislators today and tell them to

 vote NO on SB 1118!

Contact Members of the Senate Community Affairs Committee

These emails will be sent directly to committee members

Every email and phone call makes a difference. Thank you for standing up for smart growth, local decision-making, and Florida’s future.


Kim Dinkins

Policy & Planning Director

1000 Friends of Florida

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