We want elected Commissioners who will do their jobs without fear or favor. We need no more rubber -stampers. We disdain the history of developer dupes. We reject the works and pomps of pompous or preoccupied or unctuous or unqualified other-directed hick hacks. We will no longer suffer or permit government office to be controlled by unjust stewards. We reject the Reign of Error of third-rate officials who preside over a sixth rate government. They hired and rehired and raised the pay of an unqualified County Administrator, who did not apply for the job. They were seemingly oblivious to the fact that HUNTER SINCLAIR CONRAD was then an unindicted conspirator in a federal bribery indictment in Chicago. They ran off County Attorney David Migut, then amidst ongoing illegalities, hired as "Acting County Attorney" one RICHARD KOMANDO, because he was Commissioner ROY ALAIMO's "friend," as such, without an application or background check. We reject the kakistocracy and kleptocracy of other-directed energumens persuaded to run for office by the David Shoars and Thomas Martin Florentinos of the world. One-party rule is wrong. Gerrymandering is wrong. Some of these Dickensian characters resemble the late Louisiana Governor Oscar Allen a/k/a "O.K. Allen," of whom Governor Earl Long once said, "a leaf blew into his office window once, and he signed it."
Oscar Allen | |
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Lookie here! Does Florida law make it a crime to do some of the wasteful, dodgy things that prior County Commissions have done? You tell me. In the words of The Mikado, we've "got a little list."
The 2024 Florida Statutes

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129.08 County commissioner voting to pay illegal claim or for excess indebtedness.—Each member of the board of county commissioners who knowingly and willfully votes to incur an indebtedness against the county in excess of the expenditure allowed by law or county ordinance, or to pay an illegal charge against the county, or to pay any claim against the county not authorized by law or county ordinance shall be guilty of malfeasance in office and subject to suspension and removal from office as now provided by law, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, for each offense. History.—s. 2, ch. 6814, 1915; RGS 5332; CGL 7465; s. 4, ch. 71-14; s. 1, ch. 71-305. |
Republicans make the laws to follow..so if they aren't happy with it then they've screwed themselves. But of course that's on everyone else and what anyone else has to say about it is irrelevant. Did I mention they put a lot the judges on the bench and control the executive? If they don't listen to the opposition and implement some of what they want then it's a one party state. It's not much different than the CCP just profession of different ideology and political thought.
Ernesto Torres update: You're getting behind on the Crescent Beach bamboozlers Slavin. https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Nicole_Torres_62688084/
Thank you. December 4, 2024 criminal felony arraignment at 1:30 pm before County Court Judge Lauren Blocker, appointed by Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS. She's the spouse of former County Commissioner Jeremiah Ray Blocker.
Uhh..I didn't mean to feed into some corruption conspiracy theory... and I'm not really for harsh punishments either no matter who is related to who. I'm biased against conservatives so I posted that period. It's bad enough to get arrested.😆👍
Yeah we wanna see Billy the Bamboozler McSewer arrested!!!!
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