Friday, October 17, 2008


Has Florida State Representative WILLIAM L. PROCTOR carried on a decades-long affair with a lady who works at Flagler College and served with him on the Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind (now Chair)?

Did PROCTOR help coverup audit exceptions af FSDB using his political influence?

Did PROCTOR insult everyone who ever raised concerns about FSDB mismanagement?

Did PROCTOR help install and employee and very close personal friend at FSDB?

Did smarmy Republican PROCTOR have an affair with a supervisee whom he helped get a political plum? Is PROCTOR in any position to preach about "family values" and against Gay marriage?

Did PROCTOR help coverup illegal dumping environmental crimes by the City of St. Augustine?

Has PROCTOR insulted constituents who differ with him on the issues (e.g., writing insulting letters to constituents paid for by Florida funds)?

Has PROCTOR doggedly resisted providing documents under the Open Records law, dragging his heels and trying to charge fees for "copies" when no paper copies have been requested?

Is PROCTOR way too big for his britches? Yes.

It's time for PROCTOR to retire and leave the legislature and Flagler College to people who care and will make a difference.

PROCTOR's done nothing for the middle class or average St. Augustine residents -- he's lazy and no-account, unaccountable and unctuous.

Let's elect Doug Courtney to represent us in the Florida State Legislature (District 20).

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