Friday, October 17, 2008

Letter: Some suggestions for Hispanic Garden

Letter: Some suggestions for Hispanic Garden

By Dori Backes

Publication Date: 02/05/01

Quoting Mr. William L. Proctor's recent letter to the editor, ''No one has come forward with a reasonable solution as to how it (garden) may be maintained for public use in such manner as to control the abuse of the area and the liability exposure attending such abuse.''

I have the following suggestions, some or all of which might be considered:

1. Erect an attractive wrought iron fence between the concrete curves with a gate suitable for locking at night;

2. Call upon the gardeners and garden clubs of St. Johns County to volunteer for maintenance/planning of a garden with plants appropriate to historic St. Augustine;

3. Raise money for maintenance and other costs by allowing the garden clubs to sell plants, allow garden weddings, small musicals for a fee, grants from both the private and public sectors, celebrate the holidays by having donation supported Easter egg hunts, Halloween ''haunted garden," etc.;

4. Hire a docent to conduct minimal fee tours of the garden and of the plants located within;

5. Allow local sculptors to display their works for commission on sale in the rear of the garden.

There are many more possibilities, but these are but a few. If the foundation would allow, there are a host of individuals and organizations willing to put time, money and love into making the Spanish Garden the crowning attraction on St. George Street.

A final suggestion is that if none of my suggestions are of interest or no suggestion is of any interest, then transfer the property to the city of St. Augustine, with the provision that the property be maintained as a public park. The value of the property isn't relevant if the foundation paid nothing for the property in the first place. Indeed, mentioning the valuation gives an appearance of interest in profit rather than interest in the public welfare.

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