Friday, October 17, 2008

Letter: Thanks and warnings

Letter: Thanks and warnings

Walter Sauls
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 03/01/04

Editor: I want to thank Doug Wiles and Don Davis for their efforts to sort out the problems with the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. I think their proposed legislation to place reasonable controls over the behavior of the board and administration of this important institution will in the long run create a better institution and promote harmony between the school and the city. I was privileged to host both of these fine legislators in my home for separate meetings with our neighborhood members. They were willing to take time to help the little guys when we had no other place to turn. Their help will not be forgotten.

I also want to warn the board of trustees at FSDB to be careful not to continue to follow the misguided leadership of William Proctor. As I understand it, Proctor no longer has any legal or administrative standing with the school and his advice is what got the school into the trouble it is in today. Dr. Proctor continues to beat the drum of eminent domain as if it were oxygen for the school. Giving the FSDB eminent domain would be like giving a 16-year-old boy with three speeding tickets a Dodge Viper.

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