Friday, October 17, 2008

Republicans Never Steal Anything Small -- Governor Crist Must Not Appoint a Republican To Replace THOMAS G. MANUEL

I learned from my mother at an early age that "Republicans never steal anything small."

They take bribes. They serve as lapdogs for transnational corporations. They rip off taxpayers and workers and poor people. They've just about destroyed the middle class.

It was with a deep and heavy heart that I learned that Republican COunty Commission Chairman THOMAS G. MANUEL was indicted on two counts of bribery.

He seemed a cut above your average Republican. He conducted his interviews of County Administrator candidates in the open, inviting the public to attend. (Only Dr. Dwight Hines, Ph.D., reporter Peter Guinta and I took him up on his offer).

MANUEL expressed support for openness in government.

If the indictment is accurate, MANUEL was taking bribes while talking about open government.

This may be the most corrupt county out of 67 in Florida. The culture of corruption in the City of St. Augustine and St. Johns County may have won MANUEL over to the dark side. Earlier this year, MANUEL was heard to heap praises on the Davis Family (Winn-Dixie and Nocatee), noting they "gave" conservation land to the county. County COmmissioner Ron Sanchez rightly spoke up, saying "they didn't give us anything," since nothing could have been built on those wetlands anyway.

It is an ancient equitable maximum: "Let justice be done though the heavens fall."

Let every boodler, bribe-taker, bribe-payer, bagman, influence-peddler and crook quake in their boots. It's our government and we're going to take it back, with the help of the FBI, Justice Department and Public Integrity Section.

Word is already circulating that Governor Charles Crist will appoint yet another Republican to take MANUEL's place. That would be a big mistake.

The corruption in St. Johns County has festered precisely because of one party misrule. Every single County Commissioner is a registered Republican. Every single Constitional Officer is a Republican.

Letting the same Republican political machine that produced MANUEL choose his successor would be rewarding graft.

Let Governor Crist put out an open casting call for someone of independence and integrity to replace MANUEL -- whether they are an Independent, a libertarian, a Democrat, a Green or a Vegan.

In the panic of 1898, a Texan threw a wad of worthless banknotes at the feet of his son in front of the fireplace, saying, "there son, let that be a lesson to you. Everything the Republicans touch turns to s---."

The people of St. Johns County in their righteous wrath need to vote against every single Republican Machine politician on the ballot.

Vote against Republican JOHN MICA. Elect Faye Armitage to Congress.

Vote against REpublican ERROL JONES. Elect Judith Seraphin to City Commission.

Vote against Republican NANCY SIKES-KLINE. Elect Jimmy Owens to City COmmission.

Vote against Republican WILLIAM L. PROCTOR. Elect Doug Courtney to represent us in the Florida State Legislature (District 20).

You get the picture -- the party that brought us so much corruption, from the Courthouse to the White House, needs to be booted out.

As Ronald Wilson Reagan said, "politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed frequently, and for the same reason."

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