Riberia plan draws L'ville in criticism -- Only enough money for roadwork up to Bridge St.
Publication Date: 03/25/09
St. Augustine's plan for Riberia Street's renaissance -- given enough money -- includes new water mains, fire protection hydrants, new drainage pipes and outflows, repaving the entire roadway, reducing the number of overhead electric lines and building a sidewalk from King to Cerro streets.
City officials outlined a preliminary engineering plan at a packed educational presentation Tuesday night at City Hall, but the Lincolnville community was not especially happy about what they heard.
Public Works Director Martha Graham fielded questions and kept calm and on message, though some jabs were political and some argumentative.
"Riberia is a heavily used road and fairly narrow," she said. "(During construction) there will be impacts and detours."
But residents quickly learned there's no money to pay for work south of Bridge Street. Voices called out in protest at that.
Graham said the city had $3.1 million in its pocket, enough to pay for Phase I. That covers Riberia to Bridge. But residents said that doesn't affect them, because, they said, Lincolnville starts south of Bridge.
Theresa Segal, a photographer, said she rides her bicycle everywhere "but not on Riberia because it's too dangerous."
Residents were told that the four other phases must wait for funding. If that comes in, they'll wait years more for the work to be completed.
Jim Hagarty of South Street said, "Lincolnville again is left by the wayside."
Joseph Eubanks added, "The people of Lincolnville will be held hostage while construction is going on. Start at the other end."
Jason Hall, an engineer from England, Timms & Miller of Jacksonville hired by the city, outlined the entire plan, saying that the first phase could begin as early as six months and take up to 12 more months to finish.
"We explored putting in underground utilities," Hall said. "It would cost $1 million to $1.5 million per mile. That would also require 10 feet (of property). We're very tight on Riberia. We can't put the lines underground. But we can clean up the overhead corridor."
Utility lines running over Riberia could be placed underground, he said.
Graham said the money for the first phase will come from Community Redevelopment Agency and Storm Water Utility funds.
But, after that, there's no specific funding source. Stimulus funds are being sought, she said.
Hall outlined the phases and their cost.
Phase II, from Bridge to Moore Street, $1.9 million; Phase III, from Moore to Pomar Street, $700,000; Phase IV, from Kings Ferry Way to Lincoln Street, $1.4 million; and Phase V, from Lincoln to the Community Center, $1.9 million.
Hall said each phase would take nine to 12 months.
One resident said, "There's no consideration being given to those of us who live south of South Street."
But, he added, the project cannot be done backwards from South Street to King Street because water flows from north to south, then out to the river.
"Eighty acres drain through Riberia," he said. "That's why it always floods when it rains."
Some residents said they didn't want any part of the plan if they can't have it all.
But one man said, "Let's get started on something!"
Graham said that, even without a dedicated source of funding for Riberia's southern end, "The city has the full intent to move forward with the rest of the work that needs to be done."
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