Contrary to Peter Guinta's article, Entomological Services "experts" DAVID DAME and JOHN BEIDLER want AMCD to use organophosphates (OPs), using the fallacy of comparison, claiming every other mosquito control district uses them (wrong).
At least five other Florida Districts don't use OPs -- yet these lazy ancient chemical-heads demand AMCD use OPs, without citing one scientific study.
The lacunae in DAME's and BEIDLER's knowledge about biological controls is big enough to fit the Grand Canyon, with or without their considerable egos. They said only little fishies work (Gambusia), ignoring Bti (a Bacillus developed in Israel), used by AMD for larviciding, as well as irngoring bats (and bathouses).
These two misguided old fruitbats were unable to answer questions from the public and Commissioners, particularly Commissioner John Sundeman, who did one of the best short cross-examinations I've ever seen by a non-lawyer public official. When one of the lugubrious goober "gentlemen" gave "it depends" as the answer to a basic question, one thought he might have just soiled his Depends(R) diaper.
When they expressed uninformed preferences and opinions about the desirability of moving offices, consolidating field stations, using helicopters and other desiderata of Dr. Xue without any economic analysis, they resembled the sort of propeller-heads at Oak Ridge Nazi Laboratory and Union Carbide, who poisoned people while celebrating their "expertise."
When they said AMCD employees shouldn't perform maintenance, they were uninformed.
When they claimed all AMCD employees supported management, they were propagandists.
When they couldn't answer questions about peer review and internal controls (and asked what Commissioner Sundeman meant by "internal controls," one felt sorry for them for taking government money under false pretenses -- the phony mystique of "expertise."
Commissioner Sundeman noted thay had no mathematical evidence for any of their suggestions, including the "advise" to poison our marshes, which was based upon helicopter rides provided by Sheriff DAVID SHOAR. Commissioner Sundeman said, "I hope you enjoyed your time here and enjoyed your helicopter ride."
The "gentlemen" refused to address ways of reducing chemical use, apparently viewing chemicals as their friends. (Old DuPont slogan: "Better living through chemistry.")
The "gentlemen" ignored my suggestion to them after an earlier meeting and their report said nothing about eliminating the large areas of standing water left by developers who hack our forests and leave denued land with standing water. My suggestion: find swimming pools with stagnant water --- and land with standing water -- and educate the landowner. If that doesn't work, come back and fine them and give them the right to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
(Note to Peter Guinta of the Record -- you must listen. You said I spoke of "vacant land that contains ponds and other waterways." That's not what I said. Lissenup, dude -- your coverage of public meetings is execrable).
The "gentlemen" said they "were not interested" in talking to members o the public as part of their quick and dirty (and overpriced) "study."
The "gentlemen" did not provide a copy of their c.vs., one cutely saying he did not have it in his pocket. I asked for a copy of their c.v. at the last meeting. They promised their c.v.s last night, They still have not been provided today.
The "gentlemen" had no response on organizational conflict of interest and their longtime work for the organophosphate industry, whose killer products are banned in Europe and laxly regulated by EPA.
One of the two "gentlemen" left what appeared to be a handout on the podium, then refused to let me have a copy -- even though it is being produced as a deliverable by a government contractor. One of them whined lick a stuck pig as I handed the silly two page precis to our District's attorney, Doug Wyckoff.
The "gentlemen" did a lousy job, not even viewing the MACTEC study findnig dozens of violations of law and best management practices by AMCD.
The "gentlemen" had the temerity to make political statements, such as the ululating ukase that the AMCD's "morale problems" are the fault of the "news media" and "the public."
Nope. Nope. Nope.
"The public" in our righteous wrath elected John Sundeman and Jeanne Moeller to the AMCD Board, stopping organophosphate use (except in emergencies) and cancelling Mary Tarver Willis' tawdry $2 million no-bid helicopter contract in its tracks, winning a refund of the $81,000 deposit.
"The news media," fulfilling the function assigned to them by the genius of our Founders,
The "gentlemen" don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain.
They don't know peaturkcy about a durn thing.
They even suggested that AMCD return to the use of Golden Bear pesticide near wetlands, which would be illegal, because it is EPA labeled "do not contaminate water, food or feed." The two "experts breached the implied warranty of expertise by inviting AMCD to commit an enviromental crime, to wit, an oil spill on advise of "credentialed" cretins.
But they do have one thing -- credentialism. As they intoned their "experience" in response to a softball question from AMCD Board member Ronnie Radford, one of the two "gentlemen" said he had "perfect attendance" at state and national mosquito control association meetings for 51 years.
"Perfect attendance" at chemically-laden cartel meetings. It boggles the mind.
That's not a qualification.
There is no environmental impact statement for Florida mosquito control. With the advent of NEPA and state little NEPAs, the time for such guesswork is over. Florida needs a little NEPA and tough environmental enforcement.
AMCD needs a real environmental committee, with real environmental experts, to advise it. AMCD Board members are all sensitive about environmental issues, including the need to eliminate standing water and start a regulatory program.
They should listen to their own wisdom.
To hell with peckerwood petroleum-induced puffery, flummery and dupery.
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