This is the City of St. Augustine, Florida whose City Commissioners voted January 9, 2006 to let ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUBARD destroy a 3000-4000 year old Native American Indian village for purposes of constructing a strip mall and condominiums. See below.
This is the same City of St. Augustine where the Declaration of Independence was burned in 1776 by British loyalists (who also burned effigies of John Adams and John Hancock).
How do we celebrate Archaeology Month?
By having arachnid Mayor JOSEPH LEROY BOLES, JR. threaten public speakers with arrest, proclaiming they speak at his "pleasure," carpetbombing the Constitution, of course. In the immmortal words of Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner in "JFK"), "what do you expect from a pig but a grunt?"
Mayor BOLES' mother Maurine Boles should be ashamed of this Philistine.
What paternalism.
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