The borderline disgusting remarks of Senator CHARLES GRASSLEY about suicide for AIG executives are another example of a dull Republican with his foot in his mouth.
Has Senator CHARLES GRASSLEY (R-Iowa) finally gone over the edge?
Perhaps it is CHARLES GRASSLEY who should resign.
CHARLES GRASSLEY's remarks are at once egocentric and ethnocentric and show a madly misanthropic Weltanschauung, with insensitivity to religious values (it's wrong to commit suicide) and insensitivity for both for Japanese and Wall Street cultures.
Suicide? Senator, are you out of your cotton-pickin' mind? You're supposed to be "pro-life," you lugubrious goober.
Suicide is illegal and immoral. It's not a joke, either. Suppose some grief-stricken AIG executive took Senator GRASSLEY's advice and left his family devastated.
Take it back, Senator.
Has Senator CHARLES GRASSLEY finally crossed over the line from curmudgeon to nutty mean 'ole man?
However, Senator CHARLES GRASSLEY is right about 5 U.S.C. 7211 and the rights of whistleblowers. See below.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and GRASSLEY is usually right on whistleblowers, long one of his passions (for at least 20 years that I know of).
Senator CHARLES GRASSLEY should stick to his knitting, working to protect whistleblowers instead of advocating suicide, which Catholics believe to be a mortal sin (suicide) in a way that degrades GRASSLEY's Senatorial office, the people of Iowa, the people of Japan and the people of AIG.
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