Friday, March 06, 2009

QUOTES ABOUT CORRUPTION -- see more about House Transportation Committee Corruption Indictments (Below)

"The accomplice to the crime of corruption is often our own indifference."
-- Bess Myerson, former consumer protection regulator and Miss America

"The more corrupt the state, the more laws."
-- Publius Cornelius Tacitus

"We are corrupted by prosperity."
-- Publius Cornelius Tacitus

“It’s a sad day when you have members of Congress who are literally criminals go undisciplined by their colleagues. No wonder people look at Washington and know this city is broken.”
--- Senator John Forbes Kerry

“It’s a sorry statement about how broken Washington is that we could not take advantage of this unique and sad moment in history and enact serious lobbying reform. We owed it to the people who sent us to Washington to root out corruption, and the Senate turned its back on a golden opportunity today.”
--- Senator John Forbes Kerry

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