City Manager JOHN PATRICK REGAN, P.E. says that WILLIAM BARRY HARRISS, former City Manager and ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, Jr. are two of his "mentors." Together they plotted with ex-Mayor JOE BOLES to violate First Amendment rights, practicing Jim Crow law.
Those First Amendment violating pachyderms perpetrated ongoing civil rights violations directed against our City's artists and musicians, awaiting a federal court decision in Bruce Kevin Bates, et al v. City of St. Augustine (Bates II). Watch the video to see who retaliated, and how, after the U.S. District Court's May 11, 2009 decision in Bates I.

BILL HARRIS, deposed City Manager, a/k/a "WILL HARASS"


Ex-Mayor LEN WEEKS, who destroyed 211-year old DON PEDRO FORNELLS HOUSE working without permits, fined only $3600 by Code Enforcement Board after which maladroit City Attorney ISABELLE LOPEZ hugged Hizzoner; WEEKS heads all-white Sister Cities group with City support.

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