Saturday, December 05, 2015

Pro-Art Picketing At Art Walk First Friday

Prevailing artist civil rights plaintiff Bruce Kevin Bates in the 2009 federal court decision by Judge Marcia Morales Howard in Bates et al. v. City of St. Augustine was picketing First Friday Art Walk, pointing out that the City of St. Augustine is still violating the First Amendment. Hundreds of tourists and locals have seen Bruce's signs.
That's the point -- other than Mayor Nancy Shaver, who says "our streets are not lively" our City officials are callously indifferent to lawbreaking violating First Amendment rights.
The BOLES-WEEKS Confederacy of Dunces is still in control of most of our City COmmission.
A second federal court decision by Judge Brian J. Davis is expected soon, challenging some eleven city ordinances as unconstitutional, banning visual artists from painting.

Plaintiff Bruce Kevin Bates picketing. Photo credit: Charles Dickinson


greggor said...

Being unfamiliar with this topic, I have difficulty understanding the situation from reading just the above article. Where can I learn more about this, i.e., background information, people involved, time line of events, etc.? Did the local paper cover this story?

Ed Slavin said...

Extensive coverage on this blog, in St. Augustine Record, in federal court records, in St. Augustine Historical Society, and in and Facebook pages.