St. Johns County Republican political provocateur ROBERT THORNTON SMITH does not deny plotting to close four (4) universal primaries with five (5) write-in candidates.
ROBERT SMITH has volunteered and been paid to work on Republican campaigns, including a Volusia County judicial candidate Joseph Horrox, whom Smith once alleged in eviction defense court papers had promised to pay him $2500 for political conslting.
Our local prosecutor, 7th Judicial Circuit State's Attorney Ralph Joseph Larizza recused himself in 2012 from one of SMITH's criminal cases because SMITH worked on his campaign, requiring Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT to appoint 18th Judicial Circuit State's Attorney Norman R. Wolfinger as special prosecutor.
Local court records show that SMITH has a history of alleged domestic violence and evictions.
Rebarbative Republican apparatchik BOB SMITH has bragged of organizing political sign-stealing and challenging minority voters at polls in Florida.
SMITH has not denied his role in organizing the five (5) candidates to file to run as write-in candidates, closing four universal primaries for St. Johns County Sheriff, Clerk of Court and two of three County Commission races.
SMITH has not denied his role in organizing the five (5) candidates to file to run as write-in candidates, closing four universal primaries for St. Johns County Sheriff, Clerk of Court and two of three County Commission races.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hathaway, Spencer
To: easlavin
Sent: Tue, Jun 28, 2016 10:17 am
Subject: RE: Request No. 2016-267: ROBERT THORNTON SMITH
Good morning Mr. Slavin,
Please find attached a copy of CF1203021A03 (Worthless Check > $150). This case was assigned to the 18th Circuit SAO, but I have attached the casefile that we have.
The following case files were disposed of pursuant to our public records retention policy:
MM0218868A03 (Worthless Check < $150)
MM0508546A03 (Issuing a Worthless Check)
MM0508547A03 (Issuing a Worthless Check)
CT080122503 (Driving with License Suspended)
MM09-00442 (Issuing a Worthless Check)
All my best,
Spencer S. Hathaway
Assistant State Attorney / Public Information Officer
Bogus write-in candidates -- closing what would have been our St. Johns County universal primary for Sheriff, Commissioner and Court Clerk -- were apparently recruited by ROBERT T. SMITH, a/k/a "GOP BOB," a St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee who may be reached at, or at 904-803-2170. No response to my e-mail four (4) days ago.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
Cc: vanita.gupta
Sent: Fri, Jun 24, 2016 3:47 pm
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: Northeast Florida Voting Rights Violations -- Suppression of Minority Vote by Closing Universal Primaries on August 30, 2016
Dear Mr. Smith:
Please call me to discuss your efforts to recruit write-in candidates to close what would have been [four] universal primaries, violating civil and constitutional rights, and at an added cost to taxpayers of some $250,000.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
1 comment:
What about his arrest for beating his x ,& his Evictions here ?
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