Friday, October 17, 2008

Editorials: Proctor = Higher Taxes and Higher Tuitions

Editorials: Proctor = Higher Taxes and Higher Tuitions

Publication Date: 08/21/04

Proctor = Higher Taxes

and Higher Tuitions

Editor: Having served at the forefront of this year's battle concerning expansion of the Florida School of Deaf and Blind, I was chilled to see that Bill Proctor had entered the race for State Representative so he could un-do everything Doug Wiles has done to make the school accountable to its students and the local community. Mr. Proctor has made no bones about his desire to give the school eminent domain.

Proctor was successful in placing a poison pill in the legislation revising the charter of the FSDB which allows the school to opt out of any community negotiations on expansion (something every other school in St. Johns County must do). If you want your neighborhoods destroyed by greater Flagler and FSDB expansion and if you want higher taxes and higher school tuitions, Proctor is your man. As for me, anyone but Proctor.

Walter Sauls

St. Augustine

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