Friday, October 17, 2008

Letter: Proctor responds on Sauls' column

Letter: Proctor responds on Sauls' column

William L. Proctor, chancellor, Flagler College
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 03/18/04

Editor: This is in regard to Mr. Walter Sauls' recent letter. In his enthusiasm for the proposed legislation, Mr. Sauls neglects to mention that the legislation does not remedy a significant problem addressed in the audit - the fact that the school was required to pay prices in excess of appraised values for properties in the Genoply-Alfred Streets block. These costs were approximately $819,127 above the original estimate and approximately $384,288 above the appraised values, which appear to have increased as the properties were acquired. These expenditures represent the only documented waste of state funds.

In his opposition to granting the school eminent domain power, Mr. Sauls fails to explain why FSDB, an institution that serves some of the state's students with the most severe disabilities, is to be denied the same authority granted school districts, community colleges, and state universities. Initially, one might conclude that the restriction on the future expansion of the school was no more than the appeasement of several of the nearby neighbors. Such a conclusion, however, does not explain with the staff director of the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee, when explaining why the school did not have eminent domain power, presented the rationale that district school boards were elected. The implication of this statement is that, because FSDB's trustees were appointed, the school did not have eminent domain authority. The explanation, however, is flawed in that both community college and state university boards are appointed.

Thus one is compelled to consider the possibility that there may be those who once again entertain the notion of dividing, moving, or duplicating FSDB elsewhere in the state. To impose the requirement of an inter-local agreement upon the school, while denying it eminent domain powers, is essentially the same as capping its enrollment and restricting its expansion. It is difficult to comprehend why such an action would be taken at a time when we are told that advances in medical science virtually ensure the survival of more children with multiple disabilities.

Now, as to Mr. Sauls' "warning:" He is correct in that I have no administrative authority as regards the school; however, as a member of the state Board of Education, I have a responsibility to the school, which I shall exercise with or without Mr. Sauls' approval.

As to my past leadership on the board of trustees of FSDB, Rep. Wiles is quoted as having said that the school is a "leader in educating students with special needs" and as having also said, "In many ways the school is a model for other similar schools across the nation." I am grateful for and concur with the representative's assessment.

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