It’s another beautiful day in a beautiful place.
The dolphins and manatees are swimming.
The eagles and egrets are flying and looking for vittles.
The surf is pounding.
The message of Christmas, Hannukah, Solistice and Kwanzaa are being repeated and understood by new and older generations.
Floridians are, by polling, the third happiest people in America.
But all are not happy here in paradise today.
In St. Augustine, Florida, there’s a corrupt political machine, the members of which are caterwauling and ululating. They are angry and depressed.
Angry because its overt acts are caught on tape in the June 11, 2009 tape recording between SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR and developer mouthpiece GEORGE McCLURE.
Angry because their scheme of allowing developers to run roughshod over people and the environment has failed. All the new subdivisions and all the new homes they authorized for their foreign-funded developer pals haven’t been built sit like giant Cheshire cats, grinning at the wretched excess of it all. Thanks to the crooks and the developers, many new people have moved into St. Johns County in the last eleven years (including me). We’re not afraid of ignorant, semi-literate Repub thug good-ole-boys with bad grammar, bad taste and backward-bending labor supply curves. We don't need other-directed public officials who want to sell their birthright to the first foreign investor with a shyster lawyer in a shiny suit and a rezoning application.
Depressed because their control – they’re all about control – is ending.
Reformers have been elected to nearly every single government elective body in St. Johns County. There are even three elected Democrats on the Anastasia Mosquito Control Commission of St. Johns County.
The KKK has lost its grip. The St. Johns Republican Party is losing its grip. (But I repeat myself).
As the fact-based film Mississippi Burning showed, rattlesnakes do turn on each other, whether in the KKK or the Republican Party, whose 1980 standard-bearer announced his candidacy in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where Cheney, Schwerner and Goodman were murdered. (As the song from the musical "Hair" said it best: "KKK. What do we think is really great? To bomb, lynch and segregate."
Progressives are on the march throughout our community and all of Florida.
In the U.S. Senate primary, the homophobic-fascist wing of the Republican party are backing Marco Rubio over Governor Charles Crist, and that race is reportedly neck and neck, meaning that Democrats have a chance to elect a second U.S. Senator.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, clownish, controversial, other-directed, lobbyist-loving, head-butting, Seventh District Congressman JOHN LUIGI MICA (R-Winter Park) continues to amaze and amuse.
Most recently, JOHN LUIGI MICA was caught lying through staff to St. Johns County veterans about his whereabouts (his staff claimed he was still in Washington after voting against health care, while he was actually in Altamonte Springs).
JOHN LUIGI MICA is actually bragging about his diaboloical opposition to health care reform, even as the United States Senate stands poised to pass health care reform on 7 AM on Christmas Eve.
MICA sounds more and more like Scrooge, the abominable no-man who says no to the people and yes to corporate greed.
Like mad MICA, chauvinistic, sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic Reichwingnuts posting on local hate websites never have a happy day.
This has been a bad week for them.
SHERIFF SHOAR's conversation with GEORGE McCLURE removes any veneer of respectability from the ancien regime in St. Johns County.
These are other-directed people who work for developers, not for us.
We know a lot about SHERIFF SHOAR through the behavior of his political operative, MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN."
We know how MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” responded to poverty and homelessness and structural unemployment – he actually started a hate website called “plazabum” for the express purpose of running the homeless out of town, announcing it only two (2) days before Christmas, 2006 in the St. Augustine Record.
How gauche.
We know how MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” spent Christmas Eve last year – mocking a lady with cancer and expressing the hope that she would die a horrible painful death.
How evil.
That’s the kind of man SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR put in charge of raising $250,000 for his 2004 campaign.
That’s the kind of man SHERIFF SHOAR benefits from when he started his hate websites in 2006, for three years using them to coerce, restrain and intimidate First Amendment protected activity, including that relating to the City’s environmental crimes, among the worst I have ever encountered by a government.
Now GOLD f/k/a “TOBIN” and his Nattering Nabobs of Negativism (NNN) – what President Bartlet on West Wing called “the Ignorant Tightass Society” – are hoppin' are mad at Governor Charles Crist and 2008 St. Augustine Commission candidate Judith Seraphin for supporting a Statewide Grand Jury to investigate political corruption and other cases arising in more than two judicial districts.
How revealing.
The NNN (or ITS) seethes because the Florida Supreme Court granted Governor Crist’s petition for a statewide grand jury (supported by Judith Seraphin and one other Floridian in friend of the court briefs).
MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a MICHAEL TOBIN, SHERIFF SHOAR’s bagman, actually used the word “frivolous” to refer to Judith Seraphin’s concerns about corruption and pollution by government agencies here, and the desire that they be investigated by the Statewide Grand Jury. How uninformed. How rude.
We have a State’s Attorney office that won’t prosecute white collar crimes. Color them craven.
We have a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) that won’t prosecute white collar crimes like Open Records and Sunshine violations. Color them inept.
Corruption in St. Johns County is rampant.
People know it and they're growing angrier.
Special interests have far too much power and influence.
Waste, fraud, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance in local governments is obscene.
Sunshine and Open Records violations are rampant.
The hate site posters (e.g., MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his nutty NICS) don’t want political corruption investigated. They like coverups.
The hate site posters (e.g., MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his nasty NICS) don’t want Sunshine and Open Records violations prosecuted. They like coverups.
The hate site posters (e.g., MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his know-nothing NICS) don’t want white collar crime and corruption uncovered. They like coverups.
The hate site posters (e.g., MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his racist NICS) don’t want environmental racism remedied. They like coverups.
The hate site posters (e.g., MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his NICS) are wrong on ethics, wrong on race and wrong on government accountability. They like coverups.
The hate site posters include government officials, developers, mouthpieces and their entourages -- these "Anonymice" have no sense and no shame.
In short, “they know not that they know not that they know not.”
As Robert Kennedy said, “Government belongs wherever there are people in distress who cannot help themselves, or wherever evil needs an adversary.”
The Statewide Grand Jury promises a solution to our problems – MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a “MICHAEL TOBIN” and his KKK-style hate websites don’t want our problems solved.
They and the political machine they serve are the problem, or as President Ronald Wilson Reagan said, here in corrupt St. Johns County, “Government is the problem.”
As activists sang in January 2008 after we stopped our City's evil plan to repatriate to Lincolnville 40,000 cubic yards of solid waste dumped in the Old City Reservoir in West Augustine, "We shall overcome!"
Merry Christmas to the NNN and ITS, to SHERIFF SHOAR, GEORGE McCLURE, MICHAEL GOLD and your "ilk" -- God bless you and God forgive you, and may you heed the lesson of Ebeneezer Scrooge and do something to help someone else in the New Year.
Ed Slavin
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