Monday, December 21, 2009

People are friendly for no apparent reason -- the "Anonymice" on local hate websites are hateful for transparent reasons!

A New Yorker (a corporate lawyer from Mudge, Rose, formerly Richard Nixon's law firm) retired to Mississippi. He was quoted in 1997 in the New York Times as saying people are nice and friendly to you for "no apparent reason."

The survey (above) shows that Florida is the third happiest state in the Nation.

There are so many reasons to be happy. History. Nature. Surfing. Manatees. Whales. Dolphins, Raccoons. Live oak trees. Southern magnolias. Beaches. Marshes. Culture. Fishing. Hunting. Civil rights activists, Minorcans, Greeks, African-Americans, "crackers" and other wonderful people. Boating. Golfing. Sea breezes. Fresh clean air.

Yet here in the third happiest state in the Nation, all are not happy here in St. Augustine.

Sadly, not everyone is here - over on two hate websites are some deeply disturbed (and disturbing) unhappy people here in St. Augustine, the kind for whom the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IVR) provides taxonomic wisdom.

There are the kind of hateful people who last Christmas Eve were writing hateful stuff about a cancer patient, stating they hoped she'd die a horrible painful death.

These are the same sort of people as GEORGE McCLURE, whose "evil" thought expressed to SHERIFF SHOAR on the FBI tape was that Commissioner THOMAS MANUEL was "a waste of a heart" (MANUEL had a heart transplant).

To call the Plazbummers Grinches and Scrooges who need to raise their consciousness raised is to damn with faint praise. They're more like Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life" -- they don't reform before the 15th reel -- they're still fulminating.

Jesus Christ was no priss -- he kicked the money-changers out of the temple.

We need to kick our moneychangers out of our public temples (City Hall and the Courthouse complex).

We need to kick our moneychangers out of our public temples, starting with supercilious City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS, a bully who is still looking for ways to make other people unhappy; SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR, a tinpot Napoleon and a bully; MICHAEL GOLD, his bagman, a bully who operates hate websites; and GEORGE McCLURE, who a cynical shyster and a bully represents developers.

Caught on tape, SHOAR and McCLURE show their true colors -- plotting to subvert democracy.

Over on MICHAEL GOLD's (SHOAR's bagman's) hate websites, they're not discussing what SHERIFF SHOAR and GEORGE McCLURE did on that tape and what the tape reveals about their character.

The Plazabummers include warped, frustrated anonymous government officials and their entourages, whose badge of fraud is to claim to be a "public forum." Why do the heathen rage?

Here are ten reasons why the likes of RANDY BRUNSON, GEORGE MCCLURE, DAVID SHOAR and MICHAEL GOLD are extremely unhappy and hate nearly everyone and everything:

1. The KKK can't win elections in St. Johns County any longer.

2. We elected an African-American County Commissioner who skewers corruption and waste. Based upon the number of pages of drivel the KKK-style hate website writes, Plazabummers' top third hatred is for Ken Bryan (exceeded only by their hatred of Barack Obama and of me).

3. "Developers" and their mouthpieces no longer scare citizens -- tree-killing, wetland-destroying "developers" fueled by foreign funds have lost many battles lately. They build crummy buildings. Locally, developers are as unpopular as a skunk at a picnic.

4. Citizens no longer buy the malarkey emanating from GEORGE McCLURE and cronies about growth. We see right through them.

5. The St. Augustine National Historical Park, Seashore and Scenic Coastal Parkway is gaining support and will preserve our history, nature and way of life from ugliness.

6. Questions are increasingly asked of entrenched government managers at all levels. Our Founder's vision -- and the First Amendment -- live in our hearts. No longer do Jim Crow style tactics instill fear in peoples' hearts, as they did only a couple years ago.

7. Congressman JOHN LUIGI MICA and other lobbyist-driven prevaricators are no longer able to deceive the public with impunity (as with MICA's Veteran's Day faux pas of lying about his whereabouts -- he was really at a $250/head reception and fundraiser in Altamonte Springs).

8. Government employees no longer fear to make disclosures about wrongdoing. It's our money (and they pay taxes too).

9. Citizens are becoming active, attending meetings and raising concerns. The death knell for the City of St. Augustine's environmental racism was its pollution of our Old City Reservoir, the saltwater marsh and San Sebastian River.

10, Corrupt politicians fear impending indictments and elections. No longer will the Sheriff be able to post cars in minority neighborhoods to reduce voting. No longer will the road superintendent be able to dispatch crews to repave minority voting places on election day.

Naturally, these ten ineluctable truths are disturbing to the ancien regime, which resorts to its usual slander and innuendo (everyone who disagrees with them is stupid or crazy).

Shrill Plazabummers have included public officials posting under their names and NICS.

Born out of the drek of the St. Augustine Record's "Talk of the Town" website, which was taken over by government officials and their entourages, MICHAEL GOLD's Plazabum website was started by local yahoos for the express purpose of running homeless people out of town, then expanded its ambit to racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic anti-environmental Jim Crow gooberishness. See below.

Over on the St. Augustine Record website, free speech lives. Despite heckling by the usual anonymous NICS (the "Anonymice" or Plazabummers), people are criticizing SHERIFF SHOAR and GEORGE McCLURE.

Thank you, SHERIFF SHOAR and GEORGE McCLURE, for revealing the truth in the situation with your 50 minute FBI tape. We look forward to reading and hearing more transcripts and tapes from these tinpot Napoleons.

Let freedom ring! Happy holidays to all in our Nation's Oldest City, in the third happiest state in the Union.

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