UPDATED June 9, 2023 6:45 AM:
Who will attend a local Republican fundraiser tonight?
Who will see the Florida Republican karma chameleons on display one day after President DONALD JOHN TRUMP reported his indictment on Espionage Act, obstruction of justice and other federal criminal charges?
What will U.S. SENATOR RICHARD LYNN SCOTT, Florida House Speaker PAUL RENNER and other longtime TRUMP supporters say?
Driving under the influence of the Tea Party, you may call today's DONALD JOHN TRUMP Republican Party our American Taliban, as Jeff Daniels and writer Aaron Sorkin did in The Newsroom.
Our local Republican Executive Committee hate group is holding a fundraiser [tonight].
The oddly oxymoronic MOMS FOR LIBERTY's talking head, Ms. QUISHA KING, will join like-minded St. Johns County Republicans for a $125 funderaiser at the St. Johns County Golf and Country Club tonight, June 9,2023.
After I filed an Open Records request last month, our School Board cancelled the June 9, 2023 Republican fundraiser's first venue, our First Coast Technical College, to prevent a probable violation of School Board's longstanding rules against political fundraisers on School property.
June 9, 2023 SJC REC fundraiser speaker QUISHA KING is a former Republican National Committee employee, who inveighs against public schools, inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, critical race theory and "liberal" books. What kooks.
MOMS FOR LIBERTY is now classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Other June 9, 2023 GQP fundraiser speakers include U.S. Senator RICHARD LYNN SCOTT, Florida House Speaker PAUL RENNER and County Commissioner KRISTA KEATING-JOSEPH.
St. Johns County Republicans weren't always anti-Gay.
There is a recent history of angry animus and animadversions attacks on LGBTQ people by St. Johns County's rebarbative Republican ideologue leaders, including:
o Disgraced former County Commissioner JEREMIAH RAY BLOCKER, who sua sponte blocked requests for proclamations for LGBTQ- Pride, as well as School Choice and Worker Memorial Day. BLOCKER lost by 175 votes in the closed Republican Primary to Ms. Krista Keating-Joseph. See BLOCKER Top Ten list with links to dozens of articles, here.
o Former REC Chair and current County Commissioner ROY ALAIMO, Jr., a former DeSANTIS Congressional staffer who was appointed to County Commission by Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS, twice had votes of no confidence by the REC but was named to Commission bob DeSANTIS anyway! Unhinged former PZA member ROY ALAIMO wrote fundraising letters using anti-LGBTQ hate and animus and animadversions about "the Left" to solicit funds, stating that the goal of the local REC was to defeat all Democrats serving on local nonpartisan boards.
o The late SJC REC Chair WILLIAM MARK KORACH, II, fired for misconduct by the Republican Party of Florida, including a savage attack on trans high school student Drew Adams, taking anti-trans rights position without proper approval. State GOP chairman Blaise Ingoglia removed WILLIAM KORACH from his County Chairman post on May 29 on the recommendation of a party grievance committee. The grievance committee was convened after three local party members and a state committeewoman filed a nine-part grievance against him that alleges, among other things, public drunkenness, “improper acts towards females” to include “even touching improperly,” promoting personal opinions on party letterhead, failing to file accounting records, conducting a business meeting without a quorum and improperly electing new members to the committee.
These local American Taliban pols remind me of the September 23, 2011 Republican primary debate in Orlando. Florida Dull Republican anti-Gay bigots booed the YouTube video of an openly Gay Army Captain serving in Iraq, Stephen Snyder-Hill.
June 9, 2023 SJC REC fundraiser tickets are still available for $125: Hobson's choice of chicken or pork.
o No word on whether any known or suspected drag queens will buy tickets or picket the fundraising event.
o No word on whether suspected drag queens will be interrogated, arrested, given ideological purity tests, or subjected to physical examinations or DNA tests by the likes of Commissioner ALAIMO, Senator SCOTT, Speaker RENNER or Ms. QUISHA KING.
Pray for these Republicans.
Pray for them to try tolerance.
From faux Fox News:
Florida mom Quisha King worries 'vague' DOJ memo would quell free speech
Moms for Liberty activist went viral for speech denouncing critical race theory
'Moms for Liberty' member pushes back on AG Garland's targeting of parents
Quisha King sounds off on 'The Story'
Florida mom and activist Quisha King is speaking out about her concerns that the recent Justice Department investigation will discourage parents from voicing their opposition to critical race theory (CRT) and other ideas.
"Intimidating school board members is where they draw the line, but … that's very vague," she told Fox News in an interview Friday. "Who deems what's intimidating? That can be used in many different types of ways."
Commenting on the FBI's involvement, she said, "That in itself is intimidating … When you know that the FBI could possibly come after you … you're at home making peanut butter and jelly or ironing your kids' clothes for school – and you happen to have said something that they ‘deem intimidating,' and the FBI shows up at your door. Yeah, that's going to quell a lot of speech."
King, an activist with Moms for Liberty who previously worked for the Republican National Committee (RNC), went viral for a speech denouncing critical race theory at her local school board meeting.
Her concerns were similar to those raised by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. – both of whom suggested DOJ's memo was an overreaction and potential threat to civil liberties.
DOJ recently announced it would coordinate a nationwide investigation after the National School Board Association (NSBA) suggested educators might be encountering domestic terrorism. In it, NSBA referenced several instances of reported violence or intimidation.
Garland's memo didn't use the term "domestic terrorist" and clarified that "spirited debate" was not the target of his probe. "While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, that protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views," he said.
Nonetheless, Hawley has expressed concern about the NSBA letter, which invoked the Patriot Act, and the potential for overreach.
The extent of the FBI's involvement is somewhat unclear. Garland's memo read: "Coordination and partnership with local law enforcement is critical to implementing these measures for the benefit of our nation's nearly 14,000 public school districts.
"To this end, I am directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with each United States Attorney, to convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. These meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response."
King received a standing ovation Thursday when she called for a "mass exodus" from public schools, arguing that officials were leaving parents with no other option.
She later released an Instagram video asking followers what kinds of concerns they had (transportation, etc.) in transitioning their children away from public schools.
1 comment:
Yeah right. Start a far right hate group, conspiracy theory group, anti-government group...then when you face consequences just play the victim and say to yourself and others that you're "a parent under attack."🤡
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