I received the list of 450th VIP tent invitees and attendees, and noticed that it appears there were no African-American guests.
I then asked the City to respond to my conclusion. No response. I also noticed that there were no news media and no citizen-activists.
Thus, we have the possible spectra of lobbyists from influential corporate sponsors that like to ask for city favors (like Florida Power & Light) eating and drinking with rebarbative Commissioners like LEANNA FREEMAN (R-WEEKSVILLE), TODD NEVILLE (R-PROCTORVILLE), NANCY SIKES-KLINE, et al., hanging out with the likes of ex-Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. a/k/a "JOE BOLES," ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR. a/k/a "LEN WEEKS," eating food and drinking alcohol at your expense, violating Sunshine law, with no witnesses.
No response from City Manager JOHN PATRICK REGAN, P.E. to either that or the latest sewage spill.
As William F. Buckley, Jr once said of someone who would not debate him, "Why does baloney reject the grinder?"
It's our money.

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