Sunday, September 20, 2015

Protecting St. Augustine Beach Forever

Former St. Augustine Beach Mayor Brud Helhoski Admires Ocean Hammock Park (SAR)

St. Augustine Record Letter: We knew what we were supporting with Beach millage rate hike
Conservation tax: We know what we supported!
Posted: September 19, 2015 - 7:08pm
By Francis E. Ward
Conservation tax: We know what we supported!
Editor: Having reported that the Beach commissioners unanimously voted to support the long-debated purchase of additional beachfront land, I fully expected you would applaud this farsighted conservation decision. Instead, you conjure up “eerily quiet” opponents you say you’ve heard about. Does the city need more conservation land you have these unnamed opponents wonder.
Is it worth it you ask? Would you perhaps prefer leaving it for private developers to devour?
Please credit the many who support this acquisition with understanding the millage impact on their own pocketbook. And that they are, furthermore, able to grasp what compound interest does to the related debt.
St. Augustine Beach
Opinion editor’s note: In regard to crediting supporters, I believe you just did. Thanks.

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