Our St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee is bossed and bullied by demented Judas goats and Benedict Arnolds, not real Democrats.
When asked if they ever investigated local governments and spoke at meetings, DEC officials told a new resident "We used to have a guy like that" but we didn't like that, and ran him off. (That would be me, I reckon!)
When County officials propose a 16.66% sales tax increase, Democratic State Committeeman WILLIAM McCORMICK denies there's any "fat," based upon untelevised, scripted dog-and-pony shows on the budget.
We have no Inspector General.
We have no Ombuds.
St. Johns County refuses to adopt either one, while wasting money on lavish manager salaries and no-bid contracts.
McCORMICK's latest column in Sunday's Record is good for cat litter.
These are not Democrats, they are Dixiecrats, lugubrious goobers and hick hacks whose dysfunctionality now makes the St. Johns County Democratic Party a third party (after Republicans and "Others").
Call them what they really are: UNDERCOVER REPUBLICANS.
Pitiful pathetic unpatriotic unprogressive Democrats supporting a regressive sales tax increase? Never investigating fraud, waste, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, flummery, dupery and nincompoopery in County government.
BILL McCORMICK's wife is Vice Chair of LEN WEEKS' all-white "Sister Cities" board.
BILL McCORMICK played the Pope in disgusting Pedro Menendez Noche de Gala procession(s).
BILL McCORMICK often goes to the podium as a self-identified "Democrat" who "voted for you."
BILL McCORMICK brazenly, bitterly blocked any endorsement of the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore in 2009 by DEC.
BILL McCORMICK openly notoriously heckled me at an FDEP meeting when I raised concerns about St. Augustine sewage pollution.
Bill McCORMICK is a bully, a noisome ex-Dean who still thinks he is Lord of all he surveys (see the smirk on his face dressed as Pope).
WILLIAM McCORMICK is a Judas goat.
McCORMICK's an uncool, unhip, uncool, uninformed rich man blocking progress, with another dumb 'ole demented column in today's Record.
McCORMICK and others like him are the reason that there has not been a Democratic candidate running for a county-wide partisan office since 2006 -- that was nine years ago. But we do have a Democratic headquarters, full-time, full of bossy backstabbing BOLESIANS, maladroit out-of-touch other-directed people like our Democratic State Committeewoman ANNETTE CAPELLA and our Democratic Executive Committee Chair NELL TOENSMANN, discouraging anyone from ever criticizing the government or doing anything worthwhile.
They are cognitive misers. Color them part of the problem here in notoriously corrupt St. Johns County, where rebarbative St. Johns County Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR's and cronies' coverup of the Michelle O'Connell shooting case rightly earned internationally acclaimed investigations by The New York Times, PBS Frontline, Dateline NBC, et al. but not one word from any Democratic source, or from any current public official except for one courageous leader: reform Mayor of St. Augustine, Nancy Shaver.
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