It's another beautiful day in a wonderful place. The birds are chirping, the fish are jumping, the surfers are surfing, the tourists are spending, and the big-shot crooks are plotting and the small-bore schnooks are complaining.
Why do the heathen hick hack sad sacks rage?
Too much scrutiny.
Too many open records requests.
Too many concerned citizens.
I feel like an opossum -- every day I wake up in a new world.
Yesterday, a sweet lady gave me a bouquet after the Memorial Day ceremony at our Slave Market Square, thanking me for "all you do for us." I am honored to live here and to help win more than 33 progressive victories since a federal judge ordered Rainbow flags to fly on our Bridge of Lions on June 7, 2005, a great First Amendment victory that signaled the Establishment that this is No Place For Hate.
Since November 5, 1999, we've seen the changes, from backwater to increasingly progressive cool hip exciting place, aided by investigative reporting by Folio Weekly, First Coast News, WJXT-4, The New York Times, PBS Frontline, Dateline NBC, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, The Guardian, et al. Thanks to Al Gore helping invent the Internets, people in Australia are reading about our crooks, which means that investors who would otherwise ship money here won't do so unless and until there is Justice for Michelle O'Connell. The FBI and a Special Prosecutor are investigating Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR and all his works and pomps. As LBJ said after Selma, "We SHALL overcome!"
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