Speculator DAVID BARTON CORNEAL describes the DOW MUSEUM OF HISTORIC HOMES as "the heart of St. Augustine." Kenneth Worcester Dow gave the Museum to the Daytona Museum of Arts and Sciences -- with his art collection -- on the agreement it would be preserved.
As William Wordsworth wrote, "we have given our hearts away, a sordid boon. Getting and spending we lay waste our powers." The Daytona MOAS should be investigated for breach of fiduciary duty. The City of St. Augustine should deny the proposed hotel in HP-1. It's our money -- here is documentation from the Florida Secretary of State of some of the $2 million invested with state tax funds in OUR precious DOW MUSEUM OF HISTORIC HOMES -- sold to a speculator for only $1.7 million:
$350,000, 2002
Colonial St. Augustine Exhibit
PROPERTY: A one-block area of St. Augustine bordered by St. George, Bridge, and Cordova Streets; consisting of 10 houses, courthouses and gardens, existing today as Old St. Augustine Village, an historic site owned by the Museum of Arts and Sciences.
PROJECT: Funding is requested to develop a major comprehensive exhibition program to interpret the resources of the Village block as part and parcel of the important historical events that took place in St. Augustine. "Colonial St. Augustine: First America" will provide a seamless educational experience that interprets the area's history in a variety of ways by linking interactives and video elements in the historic structures with authentic artifacts and thematic exhibitions that interpret various periods in the history of St. Augustine. In addition, the Museum will offer educational programs, tours, special events, living history opportunities, workshops and specially developed Fl history curriculum for 4th & 5th graders as an integral part of the overall exhibition program.
RECOMMENDATION: Delete marketing costs and make a substantial contribution to the exhibit project.
Development and installation of a comprehensive exhibition program to interpret the resources of the Old St. Augustine Village historic site to include:
a. Video program production;
b. Interactive and multimedia hardware;
c. Interactive kiosks and cases;
d. Interpretive programming; and
e. Exhibit installation, materials, wall murals, and text panels.
$425,000, 2000
Property: A one-acre site in the oldest section of St. Augustine containing nine important structures, including Spanish Colonial period and Territorial period houses and significant archaeological features such as the Rosario Defense Line (c. 1750) and portions of a colonial period cemetery (pre-1750). The village when complete will feature permanent and changing exhibition galleries in each of the houses for Florida history collections, historic house tours, and a host of Florida history education programs. Six of the nine structures are planned to open to the public in April 1999.
Project: This final phase will rehabilitate the last three of the nine houses; the Spear Coach House (c.1872); the Worcester House (c. 1899); and the Rose House (c. 1905). Work will include: selective demolition; repair or replacement of roofing, gutters and downspouts, brick piers and chimneys, wood siding and trim; repair of porches, stairs, handrails, floors; restoration of windows, doors, interior plaster; installation of insulation, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems; painting; site work; architectural services.
Recommendation: No change to the scope of work. Make a substantial contribution to the project.
a. Restoration/rehabilitation of the Spear Coach House, Worcester House and Rose House structures to include:
1. Selective demolition;
2. Repair or replacement of roofing, gutters and downspouts, brick piers and chimneys, wood siding and trim;
3. Repair of porches, stairs, handrails, floors;
4. Restoration of windows, doors, interior plaster;
5. Installation of insulation, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems;
6. Painting;
7. Site work; and
8. Architectural services.
$30,000, 1999
Property: The Carpenter's House is a part of the square block of buildings assembled by Kenneth Dow which the Museum of Arts and Sciences is transforming into a house museum village. The house itself is a frame vernacular building constructed in the 1880's and is on its original site at the center of the complex. It will be use as a visitor's host and orientation center as well as library and docent reception facility.
Project: The project will complete the building's rehabilitation and includes repairs to structure and finishes, as well as the installation of new systems.
Recommendation: Contribute to project.
A. Rehabilitation of the building for use as a museum orientation center to include:
1. Repairs to structure and finishes;
2. Installation of new systems; and
B. Direct project administrative expenses not to exceed 10% of the total Project cost.
$475,000, 1999
Property: This phase of the St. Augustine Historic Museum Center addresses three buildings, the Territorial Period Canova de ì
Medici House built in 1839, the Star General Store, 1899, and the home of novelist William Dean Howells ("The Rise of Silas Lapham", ì
"Southern Lights and Shadows"), 1904. Each building portrays a distinctive period or character of St. Augustine's checkered ì
Project: This project will rehabilitate for museum purposes each of the three houses; the work includes finishes, roofing, ì
structural repairs systems, and window and door repairs.
Recommendation: No change to scope of work.
1.renewal of interior and exterior finishes
2.repairs to roofs and reroofing
3.structural repairs
4.installation of mechanical,electrical and plumbing systems;and
5.repair of windows and doors
b.related architectural services
c.direct project administrative cost not to exceed
10% of the grant award amount.
1995, $200,000
St. Augustine Historic Museum Complex
1.selective demolition
2.repair of exterior stucco finishes;
3.repair,restore or replace wood windows,doors
and shutters
4.install new roofing
5.repair deteriorated wood framing
6.repair cracks in coquina exterior walls;
7.install gutters and down spouts
8.repair balcony
9.clean and repair tile flooring.
10.repair and replace plaster wall and ceiling finishes
11.rebuild stairs to original configuration;
12.install new eletrical service
13.restore/replace wood trim
14.paint interior and exterior surfaces
15.install new heating system
16.repair or replace plumbing;system
17.install security and fire alarm system
1994, $26,000
Prince Murat House
1992, $15,000
St. Augustine Historic Museum Complex
TOTAL: $1,521,000
(Prior spending not in data base -- records in St. Augustine Historical Society Research Library put total cost of state investment at $2 million)
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Nice Blog.
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