St. Augustine Slave Market KKK Rally, 1964
Please identify the man at the right in the photo -- is this TIMOTHY BURCHFIELD's father or his uncle?

At the Planning and Zoning Board meeting December 2, St. Augustine Assistant City Manager TIMOTHY BURCHFIELD illegally ordered a St. Augustine Police officer to remove me from the podium, where I was speaking.
Planning and Zoning Board Chair Sue Agresta rejected and countermanded BURCHFIELD's illegal order, which if followed would have exposed the City to a jury verdict, compensatory and punitive damages, attorney fees and injunctive relief in federal court. Why? Because it would have violated the First and Ninth Amendments and 42 U.S.C. 1983, enacted as part of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.
I don't know why BURCHFIELD hates me, or wanted me removed.
I am not a psychiatrist. BURCHFIELD has been rude to me for 9.5 years,
BURCHFIELD was sitting in the back of the room at one of those interminably long tables reserved for intolerably intolerant City staffers.
BURCHFIELD was glaring at me before the meeting even started, showing animus ab initio.
BURCHFIELD and other BOLES supporters are angry at the election of Nancy Shaver as Mayor, and her being sworn in December 1 by Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince (see below).
When I spoke the truth -- about institutional racism, possible unauthorized practice of law by fired Planning and Building Director MARK KNIGHT and the concealed reasons for his firing -- Assistant City Manager BURCHFIELD issued an illegal order to remove me from the room. It was not carried out.
I continued speaking.
BURCHFIELD left the room, never to return.
Terminally intolerant energumen termagant TIMOTHY BURCHFIELD must retire. Now. Don't wait until April. Just go!
And as I told PZB members, our City must encourage African-American and other small businesses. In 1964, there were 41 African-American small businesses in Lincolnville. None survive.
As I told PZB members, our City must disclose the facts of the firing of MARK KNIGHT, former Planning and Building Director, subject to an illegal gag order (paragraphs 9-14 of his separation agreement).
As I told PZB members, MARK KNIGHT should not be representing applicants and project developers (including a five story hotel). He works for McCLURE BLOODWORTH. GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE is dead. SUSAN BLOODWORTH was not there. Corporations can only speak through attorneys. KNIGHT is not a lawyer. His appearing before his former subordinates and board members is a stench in the nostrils of our Nation's Oldest City.
That is the truth, and in the words of William Lloyd Garrison, "I will be heard."

St. Augustine Slave Market KKK Rally, 1964
Please identify the man at the right in the photo -- is this TIMOTHY BURCHFIELD's father or his uncle?

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