Record printed this election-night photo of Ed Slavin, Michael Gold and Mayor Nancy Shaver with libelous article.
St. Augustine resident Slavin issued no trespass order for City Hall
Posted: December 3, 2014 - 3:26pm
St. Augustine resident Ed Slavin was issued a trespass warning Wednesday, prohibiting him from City Hall unless he has an appointment or is attending a public meeting.
The St. Augustine Police Department is investigating complaints against Slavin from city employees and others “in which Mr. Slavin’s pattern of behavior was deemed threatening to the safety of city employees and tenants of the facility and a safe work environment at City Hall/The Lightner Building,” according to city documents.
City Manager John Regan took action on the do not trespass notice because of the amount and nature of complaints, even though the investigation is ongoing.
Slavin said Wednesday he planned to contact attorneys and will be contacting other elected officials.
“We are not made to feel welcome in City Hall, and this illegal no trespass order proves it,” Slavin said.
He said he believes city officials are angry with him.
“It’s retaliation for First Amendment protected activity,” he said. “It’s a city administration that’s angry that Joe Boles was defeated, and that I have successfully worked with other activists to elect a new mayor.”
Slavin said he had a disagreement on Monday with city officials because he complained there were not enough chairs before the City Commission’s reorganizational meeting. He was also approached by a police officer during his public comment at a planning and zoning meeting Tuesday after back and forth between some board members over the relevance of his comments.
He spoke about the resignation of Mark Knight, former planning and building department director, and how the public should have more details about Knight’s exit from the job — and Slavin objected to Knight speaking for an applicant without an attorney present.
His speaking time ran out during the disagreement.
The six-month trespass order is for private offices, office areas for city employees on the second, third and fourth floors of City Hall at 75 King St., and any areas closed to the public or occupied by a tenant, according to a letter from Regan to Slavin. The order does not apply to commission chambers while the commission is in session or during publicly noticed meetings and hearings.
“It is not intended to keep you from conducting legitimate business with the city,” the letter states. “You are welcome to contact staff members in City Hall by phone or email. If they cannot assist you in that manner, an appointment can be prearranged as necessary.”
Officers are investigating the complaints, said St. Augustine Police Chief Loran Lueders.
Lueders was with Regan when he delivered the order to Slavin at his home Wednesday morning. Any law enforcement officer could have been present, but Lueders said the city manager asked him to be present because of his knowledge of the case.
If Slavin returns to City Hall in violation of the order he could be subject to arrest.
Lueders declined to provide details about the investigation because it is an active case.
He said Slavin will still be able to conduct legitimate business with the city and officials are making sure to preserve his First Amendment rights to government.
“Obviously this is not something that’s common,” Lueders said. “Our employee safety has to be paramount in our concerns.”
Comments (1) Add comment
gladsia 12/03/14 - 06:51 pm 03Safety?
I read Ed Slavin's posts with interest. I feel he brings a much-needed broader perspective on city issues, and I learn a lot from what he writes. Unless some kind of harassment can be proved, threatening Slavin with arrest if he doesn't stay away from City Hall is censorship.
HappyKitty 12/04/14 - 12:05 am 13Oh please. He's not a threat
Oh please. He's not a threat to city employees, he is a whistle blower and exposed a lot of shady stuff that goes on in this town .The city employees don't like him because he upsets their little club, and actually asks them to explain and justify themselves. How small town and petty can you get?
not2extreme 12/04/14 - 06:29 am 01It's Unfortuate
It is very unfortunate that we need the Ed Slavin's of the world to keep our city officials functioning in an open, honest, responsive and law abiding manner. d would no doubt be able to focus on other matters had former Mayor Boles and crew they been doing this.
gwendolyn 12/04/14 - 10:24 am 10Gwendolyn Duncan
I'm a bit confused by this trespass order...more explanations are needed...if he, Ed Slavin, was a Black Man, I guess he would have been shot by now....threatening? threatening to whom?
HappyKitty 12/04/14 - 06:57 pm 10Gwendolyn, read his blog, and
Gwendolyn, read his blog, and you will know why. It has nothing to do with race, and that is NOT the conversation here.
As Not2extreme noted, it's too bad we need the Ed Slavins of the world to show us the dirtiness of the world, but I am very thankful for him, and his good work as a whistleblower.
He takes alot of abuse, which means he is doing a very good job, and he doesn't get paid for this.
He does it so we will be truly informed.
Never give up the fight Mr. Slavin. You know your rights and they continue to try to trample them! Something stinks at City Hall!
Knowing his rights is what makes Mr. Slavin a threat. He has done it all and City Hall still doesn't get it. For the sake of healing this town, forgive and get on with business.
Regarding this; "The St. Augustine Police Department is investigating complaints against Slavin from city employees and others “in which Mr. Slavin’s pattern of behavior was deemed threatening to the safety of city employees and tenants of the facility and a safe work environment at City Hall/The Lightner Building,” according to city documents."
The only "pattern of behavior" that is threatening here is the same old 'pattern of behavior' of the gangsters that run the city, the pattern and practice of continually usurping the rule of law for their own selfish gain. It has been going on for far too long now. I know first hand as I, AND THE RESIDENTS OF THIS CITY, have been a victim of it many times.
The two vile weasel hoods that visited your home Ed belong in prison. I know that, you know that, and most residents now know that. This is a classic move meant to chill not only your free speech — but the free speech of others whom they are fearful that you might inspire to action — by very conspicuously and publicly trying to frighten, intimidate, and silence you, these low brow knuckle draggers send the message to others.
That the crap propaganda rag, the Saint Augustine Wreckit, SELECTIVELY covered this, is testimony to the demonization part of the process and blatant proof as to how snugly in bed with the gangsters the Wreckit really is. Having a subscription to the Wreckit is a good way to tell all your friends and neighbors what a loser you are.
At some point Ed, you will have to give up on your fantasy that the system can be changed from within, and if you must persist, at least go for the throat with a class action RICO suit.
At some point the residents will have to recognize that it is now their ox clearly on the table, and if they want to save their homes and quality of life they are going to have to grow some balls, get up off their knees, and get out on the streets. Gangster tourism is sucking you dry and it is your primary problem. There are far better socially positive industries that would love to locate in Saint Augustine without the tourist Factory, property value destroying, horror show.The same Tourist factory that discourages that other socially beneficial industry for fear that better paying jobs would suck away their cheap labor supply.
When the government is crooked.
The cops are too!
They are the 1%'s muscle,
That oppresses you!
Crooked city!
Crooked cops!
Don't buy!
In Greedy shops!
Just say no!
To 450!
No balls! No brains! No freedom!
Deception (baloney) is the strongest political force on the planet.
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