Wednesday, September 09, 2015

FBI Investigation Disdained by BOLES-WEEKS Ex-Partner in No-Bid Lease For Florida Cracker Cafe

Letter: Never been more proud of my city
Never more proud of my special city
Posted: September 9, 2015 - 11:25pm
St. Augustine Record
Editor: I just wanted to give my congratulations for a job well done to the city staff and anyone else who helped put together the 450th celebration.
The recognition of John and Peggy Bailey was especially satisfying because they have done so much for this city over the last 50 years.
I’m proud to call them my friends and neighbor.
I was lucky enough to live in this beautiful city when we celebrated the 400th, and I was amazed with the 450th.
I won’t make it to the 500th, but my daughter will. I hope we have the city staff and the volunteers as dedicated then as we had this time.
I couldn’t even guess how many times I’ve been over the bridge in my life, but I have never crossed her the way I did the last three days.
It was awesome to stroll over the bridge and reminisce with lifelong friends about growing up in good old Snogustine! (spelling intentional).
I hope this letter is published before the whining wingnuts who are sure to come, complain and demand an FBI investigation over the whole affair.
A tip of the hat to a job excellently done!

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