Thursday, December 03, 2015

Fuddy-Duddy Brandishes Homophobia, Commenter Counters

Ed's note: My father machine-gunned Nazis for our rights to be free, getting shot in the knee in Normandy.  We pity the misguided hater (WILLIAM D. DUDDY) who signed his name to the oddly unAmerican screed: pray for him and his ilk and unkind kind. The lone commenter after his opinion nailed it!
St. Augustine
Why is State Department pushing gay rights abroad?  Editor: Evan Wolfson, a gay rights activist, recently was hosted by our embassies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. He was there meeting with prominent politicians and businessmen to push the acceptance of gay marriage in their countries. Our State Department already attempts to condition foreign aid to certain nations on their acceptance of gay rights. When and how did the gay rights agenda become adopted by the U.S. State Department? Who authorized it? Was it Obama? Was it Kerry? It certainly was not me or the many, many millions of my fellow Americans.
Was it the result of a toxic decision by a very flawed Supreme Court?
As usual, our legislators sit on their collective hands and fail the American population again. They fail us in stopping the dictatorial actions of Obama and his total disregard for our Constitution. They fail us when they delegate their legislative power over to nonelected bureaucratic government agencies who confound our daily lives unnecessarily. They fail us when they allow this administration to encourage academia to create assaults on our First Amendment — a task all to the liking of our anti-American professors. They only listen to lobbyists and big campaign donors. The gay rights agenda should not be pushed by our State Department!
If there are any real patriotic legislatures extant in our government, then now is the time to stand up and be counted.
HappyKitty 12/02/15 - 08:57 am 11So it's patriotic to
So it's patriotic to discriminate?
It is too bad that we have to twist arms to get you old bigots to understand that freedom and basic human rights are for everyone.
In other countries gay people are incarcerated and murdered for their sexual orientation.
Which of course YOU don't care about, because you have yours...but the rest of us do care.
It's not hurting YOU any to allow others their basic rights, so what is YOUR problem?
ps. I am your fellow American, and I endorse this message, and so do millions of other people just like me.
Your hate and bigotry does NOT speak for us.

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