Photo credit: Old City Life/
As a pedestrian in Washington, D.C. at DuPont Circle, and as a pedestrian in Deerfield Beach, Florida, I had first-hand experience with obscene, cursing bicyclists who thought they owned the sidewalks. A bicycle messenger in D.C., once nearly crashed into me, crazily speeding, then cursing me for existing. A couple of funny-tawking New Yorkers speeding on their bicycles in Deerfield Beach likewise sped, then cursed me for existing.
Sidewalks are for pedestrians. Palm Beach County, Florida has separated bicycles and pedestrians, and for good reason.
Wealthy bicyclists want to careen down both roads and sidewalks, insouciant to safety. In fact, bicycles are now using both sidewalks (illegally) and the roadway (unwisely) at our Bridge of Lions.
Before the new bridge, signs told bicyclists to walk their bikes across the bridge. Now, they go anyway they want, slowing vehicle traffic while endangering pedestrian walkers. Enough.
Anyone who has ever been hit, or nearly hit, by a bicycle on a sidewalk will agree with HEATHER NEVILLE, who stated on Facebook that pedestrians, automobiles and bicycles don't mix well.
Yet Ms. NEVILLE, accompanied by an uncomfortable policeman, Commander Steve Fricke, wants Commissioners to amend ordinances to allow bicycles on sidewalks.
Ms. NEVILLE was rambling and incoherent in response to Commissioner questions about uneven and inconsistent sidewalks and the risk to pedestrians of vehicles of speeding bicyclists going on and off sidewalks as they end.
Ms. NEVILLE exceeded the bounds of logic and civility by talking over Commissioners, evading and avoiding their questions, and proposing a really dumb idea in a presentation that exceeded ten minutes.
Ms. NEVILLE is the founder and Executive Director of Velo Fest. She happens to be the spouse of Commissioner Odd TODD NEVILLE (R-Flagler Hospital and Flagler College), a/k/a the "CYA C.P.A." opposed to procurement audits of 450th contracting waste, fraud and abuse.
By way of emotional blackmail, Ms. NEVILLE said it is technically illegal for a child to ride a tricycle or bicycle on a sidewalk. That is not the issue -- some adult bicyclists are aggressive, run stoplights, and act like Republican lords of all they survey.
The issue of bicycles on sidewalks is worthy of debate -- not an inept presentation by a Commissioner's wife, serving on the board of the Northeast Florida Transportation Planning Organization as a result of a benefaction by the NEVILLE's wily wedding officiant, ex-Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, Jr. Enough guesswork and impulsive behavior in public policy formation, please.
Biketoworkblog offers some insights Ms. NEVILLE avoided and evaded:
3 Reasons to Not Bicycle on the Sidewalk
For most people who bicycle to work, riding on the sidewalk is an occasional necessity; but it should be the exception rather than the rule. In today’s post I give three reasons to not ride on the sidewalk (and two reasons why you should).
When I was a child, I biked as a child, but when I became a man, I started riding in the street.
Photo by Richo.Fan.
Photo by Richo.Fan.
I have a friend who insists on riding on the sidewalk. He is convinced that doing this is just safer; he has been hit by cars twice.
Risks of Riding a Bicycle on the Sidewalk
Risk #1: Getting hit by a car
There was a bumpersticker that was already old even when I was growing up: If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk. I doubt that it was ever funny, but the more I ride, the more I realize it’s true. Every car drives on the sidewalk from time to time because sidewalks are so often found between the roads (where people drive) and the stores, homes, and offices (where people park).
There was a bumpersticker that was already old even when I was growing up: If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk. I doubt that it was ever funny, but the more I ride, the more I realize it’s true. Every car drives on the sidewalk from time to time because sidewalks are so often found between the roads (where people drive) and the stores, homes, and offices (where people park).
To the driver, the sidewalk crossing a driveway is part of the driveway. Cars don’t stop at the edge of the sidewalk because drivers are not expecting traffic there. Cars stop (if at all) at roads because that is where a driver expects to encounter other cars. Remember too that drivers often cross sidewalks in reverse and can’t see very well.
Stay away from sidewalks…there are just to many cars there.
Risk #2: Hitting a pedestrian
One of the reasons I bike to work is because it limits the amount of damage I can do. Sidewalks can be full of people walking, playing, eating, and generally being oblivious to their surroundings. If you hit a pedestrian at high speed you can seriously hurt them, and the chances of accidents are pretty high:
One of the reasons I bike to work is because it limits the amount of damage I can do. Sidewalks can be full of people walking, playing, eating, and generally being oblivious to their surroundings. If you hit a pedestrian at high speed you can seriously hurt them, and the chances of accidents are pretty high:
- Pedestrians are unpredictable: they don’t walk in straight lines, they don’t pay attention, and they travel in herds. If you come up behind a pedestrian and call “on your left,” they will inevitably jump left.
- Sidewalks are generally narrow: there is not a lot of room to maneuver.
- You can get sued. If you hit and injure a pedestrian on the sidewalk you can (and probably deserve) to be sued.
Whenever I ride on the sidewalk, I make it a rule not to ride faster than I could travel on foot (running). I don’t know that this makes a lot of sense, but it makes me feel safer around pedestrians.
Risk #3: Getting a ticket
In many jurisdictions, it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk. Check with your local bike shop, bike collective, or police department to find out for sure.
In many jurisdictions, it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk. Check with your local bike shop, bike collective, or police department to find out for sure.
Reasons to Bicycle on the Sidewalk
Reason #1: It is occasionally safer
If you need to travel from Point A to Point B and part of that journey is on a narrow street with no shoulder or with a dangerous bike lane (these do exist), you might consider riding on the sidewalk. Keep in mind the three risks above. The same is true for roads where the bike lane is blocked by construction, double parked vehicles, or trash.
If you need to travel from Point A to Point B and part of that journey is on a narrow street with no shoulder or with a dangerous bike lane (these do exist), you might consider riding on the sidewalk. Keep in mind the three risks above. The same is true for roads where the bike lane is blocked by construction, double parked vehicles, or trash.
Reason #2: It is significantly more convenient or fun
Yeah, fun. I occasionally find myself on a road that leads to a light that experience has taught me does not change. When this happens, I ride through the pedestrian plaza by the library for convenience and for pleasure–it is a nice spot (sometimes I even slalom through the lampposts). When you are in control of your commute, it should be enjoyable.
Yeah, fun. I occasionally find myself on a road that leads to a light that experience has taught me does not change. When this happens, I ride through the pedestrian plaza by the library for convenience and for pleasure–it is a nice spot (sometimes I even slalom through the lampposts). When you are in control of your commute, it should be enjoyable.
Question: Why do you (or don’t you) ride on the sidewalk? Enter you answer in the comments below.
I generally ride on the road unless in an area where traffic will build up behind me, if I come up on a traffic jam where one or more cars are in the shoulder and I can't fit through, or if there is dangerous material in the shoulder.
I generally ride on the road unless in an area where traffic will build up behind me, if I come up on a traffic jam where one or more cars are in the shoulder and I can't fit through, or if there is dangerous material in the shoulder.
The #1 reason to ride bicycles on a sidewalk is so that you wont get hit by Todd or Heather Neville, known and cited for speeding and running stop signs and red lights! Save yourselves from treacherous drivers like the Nevilles!
Ed, do you have a " Peddlers " license ?
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